Is My Disease Psychosomatic? Here Are 5 Steps to Find Out

Most often, unpleasant sensations in the body are signs of psychosomatic issues. That is, the body signals that you are not living the way your heart is telling you. In order to understand the actual cause of your illnesses, all you need to do is answer yourself honestly to these five questions. Your answers may be a revelation to yourself, allowing you to understand what you need to change to become healthy and happy.

Answer these questions sequentially and not move on to the next question without having answered the previous one. Linger on each step until you have given a complete answer. It should also be as detailed as possible. The more thoughts you write down as you answer the first four questions, the clearer the true cause of the illness will eventually be.

1. How can I describe what I feel in my body? What does it feel like?

It is crucial to determine and describe your symptoms accurately. Take, for example, inflammation after buttocks injections. What is it like: “bitey,” painful, acute (sharp pain), inflamed? Find all possible epithets and synonyms to describe how you feel.

2. What does this deviation from the norm/this disease compel me to do?

For example: “Forces me to lie on my back.” And so on.

3. What does this symptom keep me from doing?

For example: “Actively walking, sitting in that very chair at work I hate.”

4. How would my life change if I were to resolve this issue and stop going to the office/sitting in that chair/doing work I don’t like?

This question needs to be answered in as much detail as possible. Some more detailed sub-questions are:

  • What would be new in my life?
  • What good things would happen?
  • What kind of lifestyle would I lead?
  • How would I spend my weekdays?
  • What kind of schedule would I have?
  • What would I wear?
  • Where would I travel?
  • Who would I socialize with?

5. If I allowed myself to live this kind of life (as described in question 4), what would be uncomfortable/dangerous/bad?

Also, notice who you would be embarrassed in front of? Perhaps someone would be jealous or judgmental of you? What beliefs conflict with your dream life? For example: “I would feel guilty in front of my current boss, who has done so much for me. My relatives would judge me.”

Everything up to that point is a diagnosis. Next, it is important to make a decision.

In the case of our example, there might be conclusions like the following one:

“I’m not going to do this job anymore. Maybe I’ll try to negotiate with the bosses about a remote mode or flexible schedule, but I don’t want to appear in the office anymore since my body is “screaming” about it.”

To get rid of the fear of envy, sometimes it is enough to write out a list of specific people. Ask yourself these questions: “Should I allow these people to forbid me to live the life I want? Can I allow myself to depend on their opinions? Can I tolerate a few more years?” Either way, you have to weigh the significance of your discomfort against the importance of your dreams.

Remember that being aware of the cause doesnät change anything. It’s not enough to realize what exactly led to the illness psychologically. It is crucial to identify the causes, eliminate them, and begin to act: either announce the decision you’ve made or make a plan to eliminate the psychological causes. For example, figure out how to maintain a good relationship with your manager differently by changing the work format.

Make a list of subconscious causes and systematically eliminate each one. It’s enough to start feeling indifferent to each item. The bother shouldn’t throw you off balance, cause you anxiety, or in any way disturb you anymore. Still, often self-help is enough. In some cases, you can talk to a psychologist.

How can I learn more about my condition?

In order to correctly determine the cause of your illness, it is helpful to look at it from different angles. Everyone is different, and the same situation can lead to varicose veins in one person and blood poisoning in another. This is because different people experience the same situation differently due to their life experience, stable or unstable psyche. That is why there is really no single universal interpretation of the cause of the disease.

Canadian psychologist Liz Bourbeau identifies three levels of blockage: physical, emotional, and mental. Pay attention to the last two. What’s important here? When you start reading the descriptions of the alleged causes (which can be found in Liz Bourbeau’s books), note the words and lines that resonate with you.

Understand the Causes of Illness

For example, take a headache. Emotional blockage, in this case, is an internal ban on the right to be yourself, to act according to your beliefs. That is, let’s say you dreamed of becoming an artist, but your parents forced you to become a lawyer. Migraines occur in people who feel guilty when they try to speak out against those who have significant influence over them.

The mental blockage is a wrong way of thinking. That is, you feel dependent on circumstances or people around you. You have to allow yourself to be imperfect and go your own way.

If all said above is about you and your beliefs, it’s time to improve it. Remove these thoughts from your mind and move on to be happy, healthy, and find peace of mind.

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