Depression Is as Unhealthy as Smoking

Depression is as unhealthy as smoking, scientists claim. They compared survey data of more than 60,000 people with death rate data and found smokers and those suffering from depression were almost at the same level of risk of dying during four years after the survey.


The study also showed that all patients suffering from depression had their risk of death increased, but patients whose depression was accompanied with anxiety attacks had lower risk compared to those suffering from depression only. According to the study author, Robert Stewart, the take-home message here is a little anxiety will do you some good.

Scientists pointed out two different risk groups. Patients with higher anxiety are apparently more vulnerable to stresses on their cardiovascular system. On the other hand, lower anxiety, like in patients who deny having this condition can make these people not seek a professional help for their health problem or take risks more often. This can explain higher death rate among these patients.

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