15 Most Important Items in Your Home Medicine Chest

Even if you pay much attention to your health, it will be impossible to protect yourselves against everything. Nevertheless, every family should have its own medicine chest. Why do people with no medical training need it? To provide the first aid until medical help arrives.


Keep your medicine chest in order

Before making up a medicine chest, it is better to bring what you already have to order. Throw away old medicines with the expired shelf life date. Furthermore, the medicines should not be kept in the bathroom, or for example in the kitchen – close to the gas oven. High humidity is not the best way to store medications, so it is better to keep them in a dry, cool and dark place.

The home medicine chest should include precisely the medicines that can be used to provide first aid. Do not buy a very expensive drug. And of course, you should know what you must take in case of any ailment.

Basic rules of storing medicines

Medication should never be exposed to sunlight.

Before you put drugs in the place of storage, read the prescription. It must indicate the temperature at which they can be kept at home. Some drugs can be kept at room temperature, while others will be placed in a refrigerator.

You should not throw annotations to medicines. It would be better if they were placed in one box with the drug in order to avoid poisoning and other more serious consequences.


Semiannually, revise the drugs from your medicine chest and check the expiration dates. Get rid of expired medications without regret. If these are antibiotic residues, do not throw them in the garbage bin as they harm the environment. Furthermore, this ultimately leads to an increase in bacterial resistance. It is better to take it to the pharmacy – they will take care of its proper utilizing. To have everything at hand at the critical moment, try to replenish the missing medications in advance. To do this, it’s best to visit the online pharmacy in Canada.

And finally, the most important rule: keep the drugs away from small children. Adult people’s negligence can lead to a tragedy.

Rapid response medications

It makes sense to keep them in the kitchen, finding a dark place without moisture. Why? According to statistics, kitchen area is a big part of home injuries. Cuts and burns that we get while cooking can be very serious! Therefore, prepare the following items and medicines:

  • Disinfectant,
  • Remedy for burns with panthenol, better a spray.
  • Agent for the treatment of wounds.
  • Bandage – it is better to have two bandages: one sterile and the other normal.
  • Scissors.
  • Antihistamines.

Leaders of the “hit parade” of domestic drugs

What other things and medicines should definitely be kept at home? Here is a sample list:


It should be in every home. Increased body temperature is accompanied by many diseases that cannot be treated without a thermometer.


Soap and water may not be enough to clean the skin around a small scratch or cut. To significantly reduce the risk of infection you should take an antiseptic.

Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and acetaminophen

These medications are used to lower the body temperature, and without their presence the home medicine chest is hardly helpful.

An adhesive plaster tape

It is a must-have in the medicine chest. This tape protects cuts from dirt.

A dental floss

When you brush your teeth and do not use a dental floss, you do not cleanse the mouth by 100%. In fact, without flossing, you deprive yourself of the prevention of gum diseases, which are the main cause of tooth loss in adults.

A cream for muscles

You surely must have creams against sore muscles that soothe tired muscles or pain in the lower back. Of course, one should apply such creams with care to avoid overdose.

Sterile gauze

Gauze or bandages are useful in case of more serious damages rather than just a cut with paper. An adhesive plaster tape is not enough.

A scoop

The effect of drugs depends on the dosage, so when taking liquid medications, it may be not only ineffective but dangerous as well to measure them visually.

Pills and cough syrups

Such drugs are an indispensable product, especially if you have a fever, and you can no longer go to the pharmacy.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

A universal agent for enhancing immunity and fighting infection.

Herbal sedatives

Today, many people experience stress every day. So if you often need to calm down quickly, you need such medications to sleep in the evening.

Drugs that are used to treat stomachache and poisoning

Be sure to keep some medicines for food poisoning and cleansing the body in your home medicine chest.


When having severe headache or toothache, painkillers (ibuprofen, acetaminophen) can be of great help. Just do not abuse them on any pretext.


Forceps and tweezers can be very useful for removing problem splinters. They can be applied in a number of ways; therefore it is definitely worth keeping them at hand.


If you have found toenail fungus, do not wait until it starts to cause you serious trouble. Remember that fungal infections are difficult to treat, so you should go to hospital.

Everything at your fingertips!

Your home medicine chest should be with you not only at home, but also during an outdoor recreation or travel. Let the most essential things be prepared in advance.

And do not forget that the first aid kit should not be accessed by children and pets.

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