They say not for nothing that a pregnant woman should be taken well care of and her caprices must be indulged. British scientists believe that depression during pregnancy slows down the child’s intellectual growth and development. Probability of such defects grows by extra 34% comparing to the moms with normal psychological well-being. During pregnancy try not to take to heart small issues and avoid any situations which can make you feel nervous.
Scientists found out that if the mom’s depression persists even after the child is born then the chances of the baby having mental retardation rise from 34% all the way up to 50%. This data was collected during a specially organised study. Over 11 thousand moms and babies participated in the study.
According to the information provided by the World Health Organization (WHO), in 12 years depression will rank second in the list of disability and lethality causers around the world. Those days, around 15% of suicides are done by depressed people. In addition, one in five people had depression in their life but did not consult a specialist.