Why Are Medical TV Series So Popular?

People love series about doctors and medical TV shows because they want to know more about themselves. In any case, the president of Department of Psychiatry at the Royal Society of Medicine Professor George Ikkos explains the popularity of these programs in such a way.


According to the BBC, people’s knowledge of their own body has changed significantly over the last few centuries. In the past, we used to have scant knowledge of our own anatomy. Now most of us know more or less well what the spinal cord is and how the venous blood circulation differs from arterial blood (unless, of course, school knowledge hasn’t been swept away from our mind).

Medicine is improving, and people want to know if there is anything new there – and that is why much of the audience stick to the screen as soon as TV characters begin to talk about the MRI, a heart transplant, or lupus. However, the experts warn that TV series sometimes contain contradictory information, and so one should not treat it as an ultimate truth.

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