That’s what husbands get over there in Britain – Monday through Friday of ceaseless complaining from their wives, a new study of 3,000 people reports.
A woman keeps nagging at her man to get off the booze, lend her a hand with her everyday chores, mown the lawn… And it goes on and on to add up to over two-and-a-half hours of incessant picking a week. In a month it grows into something like 11 hours, building up to a whole working five-and-a-half-day week in a year!
What do they bug their hubbies about? Their unwillingness to help about the house, first of all. Leaving dirty dishes for the wife to take care of follows closely on the list of common complaints. The complaint of being too free with the family money is not far behind.
Romantic treatment is sorely lacking – that is the fourth popular cause for nagging. Help with the laundry will be welcome, say British wives next.
Having had it out on help and consideration, women proceed to take apart men’s personal habits. Men watch too much sport for their wives’ liking, are too heavy on drinking and spend too much time over their hobbies.
Here’s the repertoire of what 86 per cent of British males hear at home every day, and every fifth husband adds that the bugging seems to never stop! Which must be true, since 87 per cent of women admit to talking ears off their husbands unrestrainedly.
The comment from the Everyman campaign that conducted the survey says that women feel certain that nagging is the only way left for them to get their husbands to do something. And at times it goes beyond the issues of helping the wives out about the house, covering the necessity of making important decisions of their lives.
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