American physiologists did an interesting study. They looked at how more than one hundred people responded to receiving gifts. The study found that expensive gifts are not necessarily the ones that are desired, reports The Psychological Science. The key is that your gift makes sense for a person you are going to give it. The study revealed women, who don’t have a thing for jewelry, were equally disappointed at bijouterie and a diamond ring as gifts.
Researchers also found that a positive response to a gift is magnified by its size. It has emerged large gifts are more pleasing.
The authors of the study emphasize both children and adults felt even happier when receiving gifts in large and colorful boxes. And the cost of the gift inside didn’t really matter. And that’s not surprising. Our unconscious can’t comprehend the cost. It takes a gift as the expression of feelings of a person who gives it and identifies its size with the intensity of these feelings.
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