Riddle about Cinderella

Some of you were really missing brain games, according to the messages you sent me. So, here’s the new brainteaser, try to solve it! The wicked stepmother gave the following task to Cinderella: she had to sort a sack of tomatoes – ripe tomatoes to the right and unripe ones to the left – in a minute. But Cinderella was very smart, so she did this easily. How?


Please, if you want to solve the riddle yourself, be careful and do not read the comments to this brainteaser, there can be some who already wrote the solution. You will find the answer in the next brain game. You are always welcome to ask questions about the task, in case something is not clear. But sorry, I will not answer leading questions.

The answer to the previous riddle is to fire the cord from both ends, it was easy for you, Amanda, Space Cowboy, Nick, Stygyan, Russel, Stefvi, Sequoian! Well done! Now try the new one.

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