10 Interesting Facts about Men

Find out what bachelors dream about, what real men want, how many single men are due for one girl and other 10 amazing facts.


  1. More than half of single men live with their parents up to 27.
  2. Most guys think that it is best to get married at 25 – 30, but almost half of them get married before that time.
  3. More than 50 % of men declare their preferences for feminine beauty (hair color, shape), although in fact they may like girls of all kinds.
  4. Single men more often buy things at online stores.
  5. More than 66 % of bachelors dream of finding a soulmate.
  6. Most men have 4 to 6 partners before a long-term, serious relationship.
  7. 62 % of men will be happy if the girl takes the initiative while dating.
  8. For most men, a pretty face can be more important than a perfect figure.
  9. More than 30 % of guys do not delete their ex-girlfriend’s phone number from their cell phone.
  10. The ratio of free men to free women is 12 to 10, which means that it is easier for women to find love.
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