Beauty Tips Making Your Life Easier

There isn’t such a thing like too many beauty recipes; one is always prone to suspect that the greatest beauty tip of your life is just round the corner. Sometimes even little bits of advice go down so well with you. Here are some more good tips for those who are on the lookout.


1. How to make nails dry faster

What can be a real drag is sitting around while your nails are getting dry. If you have things to do it can get pretty irritating to waste so much time! Now, if you dip your fingers in cold water for a moment after you’ve coated them, they will get dry in a much shorter time. The colder the water and the longer the dipping time the better the results are going to be. It’s a great tip when you’re in a hurry!

2. How to get rid of hair buildup

You may not notice how buildup is accumulating on your hair as you keep using your clarifying shampoos – they are fine in a way, but they do leave you with buildup. So, you mix in some ordinary baking soda – a teaspoonful will be quite enough – with your shampoo before washing your hair, and you can forget about buildup.

3. How to make your mascara last longer

You got the mascara you absolutely love and don’t want it to end? Miracles don’t happen, to our chagrin, but you can do something to last it out. When it begins to dry out, add several drops of Visine or any multipurpose contact solution and give it a hard shakeup – that will moisten it up and make it good for a couple of weeks more. Also, doing like this you won’t have to dash for another mascara when you find you’ve run out of it.

4. Use your eye cream lavishly

Of course it says “eye cream,” but you don’t have to take it so very literally. If your eye cream says it smoothers out wrinkles, apply it on your forehead too, on your lips, all over your face, especially where you suspect wrinkles may spring up. Marvelous results practically guaranteed.

5. Remember to exfoliate your lips

Lips require periodical exfoliation, more so when it’s cool and your lips get dry quickly. No need to obtain a special product for exfoliation – you can do it any time with a toothbrush that has not gone soft. Just wet it and pull it across your lips without pressing too much. Besides exfoliation it will help plump lips up a little.

6. How to moisturize properly

You can be hard on your skin if you apply your moisturizer the wrong way. Moving downward, you stretch your skin down which is conducive to new wrinkles forming. If you move down, get yourself to move in the opposite direction, up, against the normal pull of the skin.

7. How to arrange for instant blush

Do not fret if you find you have no blush on you when you need it. Here’s probably one of the oldest tips to bring a bit of color to your cheeks. Give your cheekbones a few gentle pinches, it will work instantly and very effectively. Besides, you will have a natural blush that can look better than an artificially applied result.

Here are some small tips that can go a long way towards simplifying your beauty labors. More of them coming, so share yours, if you have a beauty lore of your own!

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