10 Tips for Finding a Perfect Brow Shape

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. They can drive a man crazy. Girls’ eyes cannot express emotions on their own, but eyebrows can. With their help, you can get a mysterious look and make it more expressive and languid. But how can you find an ideal shape for the eyebrows? Of course, the easiest way is to seek help from specialists. But there’s nothing wrong with trying to shape eyebrows at home. We have collected the best tips, following which you can easily get an ideal shape of the eyebrows.

Selecting the shape

Sharp or curved eyebrows are ideal for a round face. This shape will visually extend the face. A triangular face will look ideal with slightly rounded eyebrows. If the girl has an oval or oblong face, the best shape would be straight (horizontal) slightly rounded eyebrows, which can be sharpened a bit at the end. For a square type of face, a highly curved upward arc will be the best.

Choosing the perfect shade

Selecting the perfect shade for the eyebrows is not so difficult. One has to follow a simple formula: brunettes’ eyebrow color should be 3 shades lighter than the hair color, and blondes’ eyebrow color should be 3 shades darker. It is everyone’s individual business to find the best way to use this procedure. In any case, there is a wide range of options to choose from – an eyebrow pencil, dye or powder – it all depends on one’s preferences.


To make an ideal eyebrow shape at home, you need to choose a place with good lighting – every hair on the face should be well lighted. It is also very important to choose good tweezers: they should fit comfortably in the hand and grasp the hairs tightly.

To reduce pain, you can apply a moisturizer to the skin or rub it with an ice cube.

Eyebrow hairs must be plucked very carefully, or the eyebrow can look bald. You also need to periodically move the mirror aside and evaluate the result from some distance, otherwise, you can pluck too many hairs.

Using an eyebrow brush is very important. Without it, it is almost impossible to create an ideal shape. After all, it helps find too long hairs and trim them if necessary.

Some more useful tips

  1. For your image to look final, the eyebrows should have a clear shape.
  2. Eyebrows should be symmetrical.
  3. Closer to the end, the eyebrow should become thinner and thinner, as if it were disappearing altogether.
  4. The width and size of the eyes and lips should look harmonious with respect to the width of eyebrows.
  5. If the eyebrows tend to go down, they need to be directed upwards to get rid of the sad look.
  6. For better preservation of the shape, you need to use a special gel or hair spray applied to the mascara brush.
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