31 Tips on How to Save Money

It is good to have money. It is even better when you know how not to lose it and even multiply it.


  1. Keep your money in large denominations.
  2. Keep money in round sums.
  3. Put by an untouchable sum and constantly increase it.
  4. Think of savings as income.
  5. Justify each purchase.
  6. Keep a journal of daily income and expenses.
  7. Money loves its place.
  8. Do not lend money.
  9. Do not incur debts.
  10. Respect small money.
  11. Do not rely on the future profits.
  12. One person should be in charge of the family budget.
  13. Always have a stash.
  14. Do not pamper children with money.
  15. Keep your money in different currencies.
  16. Take a loan only if you can pay it off even after losing sources of income.
  17. Help your parents with money.
  18. Do not make unplanned purchases.
  19. Count the money when given change.
  20. Plan your income.
  21. Small income often leads to additional revenue.
  22. Revenue growth depends on your popularity as a specialist.
  23. The revenue increase depends on the quality of your work.
  24. Easy money has an unhappy ending.
  25. Give money only to those who need them.
  26. Do not donate money at the expense of yourself and your family.
  27. Money should always benefit.
  28. Do not refuse any opportunity to make money.
  29. Do not believe those who say that wealth is easy.
  30. Money loves logics and cold calculation.
  31. Money can make people both rich and poor.
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