Royal Wedding Air as a Souvenir

A British company has hit on the idea of turning out a very special souvenir for everyone from the forthcoming royal wedding. One of the ideas how the uninvited but desiring could still attend the grand ceremony (to a certain degree at least) is by buying and inhaling a souvenir product called “Royal wedding day air.”

Royal Wedding Souvenir

The air is promised to be bona fide staff collected by a team of “trained professionals” commissioned to obtain samples best reflecting the atmosphere of the memorable day. UK-based Watt’s managers say they expect the bottles with the air thus preserved could be treated as a real collectors’ item for great family occasions – something akin to precious wine. A spokesperson for the company addressed “every true romantic” who may want to treasure a bottle of royal wedding air for years taking a little sniff now and then or just enjoying its rich historic associations.

James Watt, the originator of the idea, aired and shared his opinion that he looks upon the worldwide distribution of royal air as an honorable deed, adding archly that “who knows .. you might get a whiff of Kate.”

The price of such a bottle is still to be found out, but those who think that a royal wedding air bottle may make a good wedding gift or want to “taste” the treat at their own wedding may hope that it will not be princely.

Source of the image: Newslite.

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