4 Anti-Aging Skin Tips You Need to Know

If you are like most women, then finding a way to make your skin look more youthful is the main concern. Without the right care and professional help, the effects of aging will start to catch up with your skin. The team at Dore.sg provide a variety of skin treatments designed to beautify and rejuvenate the face. There are a lot of things you can do on your own to make your skin look more youthful and appealing. The first thing you need to do when trying to get your skin healthy is taking inventory of the mistakes you are currently making. Here are some of the things you need to do to keep your skin looking youthful.

1. Using a Gentler Face Wash is a Good Idea

Removing the dirt and oil from the pores on your face is easy with the right face wash solution. With all of the different products on the market that can be used for this purpose, you will have to take some time to do research before choosing one. When trying to find the right face wash, you need to take a look at the ingredients. Using a natural face wash that contains like fatty acids is a great idea. Getting a face wash that has all natural ingredients is a great way to reduce the number of chemicals that come in contact with your face. In some instances, you will have to try a few different face wash products before finding the best one to suit your needs.

2. Retinoid Can Be Helpful

The older you get, the less collagen your body will produce. This will usually lead to saggy skin and problems with wrinkles. One of the best ways to increase the amount of collagen your body produces is by getting a prescription strength retinoid to take. This substance is basically a higher quality version of over the counter vitamin A supplements. There are a number of creams that you can get that contain this substance. Getting a higher grade cream is only possible when going in and seeing a dermatologist. These skin care professionals will be able to consider your situation and make recommendations on what type of products can best help you. The over the counter creams available are usually not that powerful and will make it hard for you to get the results you are after.

3. An SPF Upgrade

One of the most potentially damaging elements to your skin is the sun. By wearing sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher, you can provide your skin with the protection it needs. As you get older, you will need a higher grade sunscreen in order to avoid things like spots and discoloration from the sun. There are also a number of moisturizing sunscreen products on the market you can take advantage of. Using the spray type of sunscreen may lead to your skin getting irritated due to the high level of alcohol it contains. The cream-type sunscreen is far less abrasive to your skin and will work just as well.

4. Consider Taking a Supplement

There have been a number of studies that suggest that higher levels of Omega-3 fats can help to make skin appear more youthful. The best way to increase the level of fatty acids in your body is by taking a supplement. Before investing in a supplement, you need to check to see how pure it is. Investing in a supplement that is filled with chemicals will not help you or your skin at all. Consulting with a professional who is familiar with these supplements is important. By doing this, you can get the guidance needed to make the right selection.

The team at Dore Aesthetics offers a variety of different skin treatments that are effective and non-invasive. Give them a call or visit their website to find out more about this company.

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