Why It’s OK for Women to be Gamers

The world is constantly changing, as we all know. But it may seem strange to some that one of the modern world’s prime changers are games. The interesting fact is, games themselves are subject to change. Those who think that the gaming empire is totally populated by young kids who are turned on everything computer, have got another think coming. Most gamers nowadays are women.

The Gaming Stats


According to recent studies, games have grown to attract practically all the strata. The Guardian informs that the majority of gamers are women – 52%! That is in no way unexpected: it was 48% a while ago, and many of playing women have been at it for 10 years and longer. So, the word doesn’t belong to adolescents any more – gaming is for women aged from 21 to 50.

Gaming Devices Women Use


Partly this shift was possible due to smartphones winning the title of the leading gaming device over consoles. While you may hesitate about being seen with a joystick in your hands, what could be more natural than the sight of a stunning woman holding a smartphone?

Gambling: Pro et Contra


We all need a little door to escape from the aggravations of life, and now it is in our purses and clutches, a woman in her prime is happy to cope with her stress – or just relax – playing a game. So, if you still believe games are for kids and bingos are for the rich and idle, you stay with a dwindling minority. Before you air your rejection of games in public, make sure you know what you are talking about: look up the list of 15 best videogames for women and try out this bingo site.

Video Games, Team Building & Sports


While a certain number of women are still disregarding the changes, the business world has embraced games as an excellent employee training technique, the world of sports and health makes use of games where you have to move, and games provide for better socializing on the Internet. Look around: are you keeping up?

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