How to Stop Purchasing Useless Things

And save a lot of money

Many of us do not even notice how often we buy unnecessary things in shops. These are unnecessary items of clothing or interior as well as cute little things that delight the eye. Unfortunately, the pleasure of such shopping is illusory. This phenomenon can and must be fought.


The modern world forces us to develop the craving for consumption. We always want to buy. We do this either to heal wounds or to satisfy the instinct of a hunter and the need for new emotions. We want to have more in order to feel significant.

If you think that it is impossible to overcome the desire to buy, we are ready to argue with you. This problem is quite difficult to visualize. We have learned to pack all the things carefully, to fit them into the interior and arrange them beautifully on the shelves… It seems that everything is in order. But there is an effective way to literally feel that you have too many things. Let’s imagine that you need to move to another city or country.

How much luggage do you need to pack all your belongings? How many things will you fail to take with you? How many things will you abandon by throwing them in the trash before the supposed move?

You see, it is understandable when everything is neatly arranged around and creates an atmosphere of well-being, but it is quite another thing when you’re trying to physically lift, load and carry everything that has recently been on the shelves.

What would your life be like if we had no need to buy things?


Let us suppose it has happened. Instead of unrestrained consumption, there is the joy of simple and free pleasures. A walk in the nature, meditation, reading a book or creative activity. Buying less, we free ourselves from debts, nervous feelings and commitments. If there are few things, you do not need a big apartment and will not have to find a place to store all the things you have obtained due to backbreaking work.

Of course, this is utopia. We cannot give up all of our desires. At least, there is no example of a person who managed to do it. But what if we learn to recognize our own intentions and will be able to control them? Instead of feeling sad about what we do not have, it would be better to feel grateful for what we possess.

Discern the moment when you feel an impulse to buy or have the desire to do the same thing as other people do. Recognize the wish to solve problems through shopping. Learn to see this instance and mentally pronounce each time that you want to buy something again.

You need to understand that the impulse should not necessarily be satisfied, it’s just a desire that awakens in you. Therefore, this is nothing but a temporary phenomenon. You may feel it, but you need to learn to resist the symptoms of impulsive hoarding.

Limit the number of your belongings. Set the boundaries for yourself. How many objects are there in your bag, how many shelves do your clothes occupy? How many personal items are there on your dresser? This must be done in order to take a short pause before another acquisition rather than to feel restrained.

Appreciate every moment. The desire to buy things appears because we seek new emotions and do not appreciate what we have. We are not satisfied with what we have; we do not see how beautiful life is around us and spend our time in a continuous race for ephemeral happiness. But in fact, this particular moment is enough to feel joy. We just need to understand it.


Learn to be grateful for trifles. This phrase is often uttered by all the people, but now you really should listen to it carefully. If you learn to appreciate a cup of coffee in the morning, the warmth of the sun in November, or the moment of inspiration and joy, your life will be filled with emotions. And you will not want to buy everything. Be interested in what is happening around. No matter how trivial it sounds, the coolest things are usually free of charge.

Finally, you need to understand that all these rules result from long practice. Of course, it will not take you a month to get rid of the desire to buy something. But a few weeks can strengthen the wish to control it and help you learn how to derive the right emotions and feelings from every minute. Do not reproach yourself for failures: the desire to consume is aggressively fostered through advertising, packaging, magazines and news. Failing to resist the temptation is normal. But we must not give up – we must fight with them.

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