How to Defeat Seasonal Allergies Naturally?

As the weather is getting warmer, seasonal allergies grow more and more severe. People begin to develop symptoms like sneezing, itching, runny nose, and watery eyes, headaches, many others, some of them can be acute and interfere with the everyday routine. They often pounce all of a sudden – but that doesn’t mean we cannot take measures to protect ourselves from seasonal allergies.

Keep the Wind Outside

No matter how marvelous the day is, the pollen count may be too high for your good. You would do well to avoid polluting your indoor air, so take care to keep the windows tightly closed and don’t open the doors unless you need to go out. Consider investing in a HEPA filter to install on your air-conditioner; a panel filter will prevent your furnace from bringing pollen in.

Seek Chiropractor Help

Chiropractic care is the very thing for assuaging nervous stress, boosting the functionality of the immune system— and that provides a great relief with most allergic onsets. When your nervous system is free from stress it is more resistant to allergy triggers.

Make Sure Your Body Is Detoxed Properly

A body stuffed with toxins makes allergies degrees worse. Toxins affect the liver, the organ responsible for inflammations, and if the liver keeps overworking, factors like stress, effects of medications, alcohol, and intake of junk foods make allergies more severe.

So if you are suffering from a bad case of allergy try detoxing your body – forgo everything fried, alcohol, sugar, all toxic foods. Take more foods that strengthen the liver as well as certain herbs (milk thistle, turmeric). Don’t forget nuts, citrus fruits, and artichoke that are very beneficial.

Take into Account All Possible Treatments

Of available treatments, butterbur is the best-researched one which certainly seems the most efficacious. There are studies that testify that Ze 339, a butterbur extract, can be a substitute for antihistamine medicines. Also, it emerges that allergic reactions can be treated by pycnogenol and Phleum pratense which is plant-based.

Make Use of a Special Pollen App

Check your local pollen forecasts and current pollen levels, in an app, for example. It will warn you about a high pollen count so you can take your medicines well before allergy overbears you.

Wash Upon Re-entering Home

When you return home you can’t help bringing in minute particles from the outside world. While spending time outdoors, you have gathered an impressive collection of tiny powders all over you – on your clothes, hair, hands, shoes from all the places you visited. Leave the shoes on the mat, shed your outside clothes to be washed later and go get a shower.

And Again: Wear a Mask

After all is said and done, a mask is wonderful for keeping your airways clear of allergens, especially in situations when allergy triggers are unavoidable – say, when you look after your flowers and plants outside or are busy cleaning the place. Pollen, tiny particles and allergens will be effectively deflected by an N95 respirator mask which can be obtained at any drugstore or a medical supply store.

Apple Cider Vinegar May Help

This healthy stuff, apple cider vinegar is believed to strengthen the immune system, improve lymphatic drainage and conduce to breaking up mucus. It is recommended to prepare a drink of water with apple cider vinegar (one to two tablespoon added to a glass of water). Add lemon juice to taste and drink the concoction three times a day – it is said to alleviate allergic symptoms. Look up other ideas on how to benefit through using apple cider vinegar.

Laundry Tips

Hang up laundry in the house to avoid having particles and pollen on clothes and sheets.

Look After The Cleanliness Of The Air In Home

Rely heavily on in-house air conditioning. To make sure the air in your bedroom is clean, install a portable filter like HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air), not forgetting to use it on your vacuum. Vacuum clean the floors as often as you can. See that your car is also well-conditioned.

Do Regular Nose Cleaning

Allergy-causing particles attach themselves to the nose‘s mucus membranes. Use a sinus irrigator, nasal oils, neti pot, or anything at hand to cleanse your nasal passages frequently.

Cope With Stress

We know how deleterious stress is for health in general and for the immune system in particular, which spells bad for those afflicted with seasonal allergies. Alleviate your condition with stress management techniques – meditation, proper self-care, as well as easing up on your working schedule.

Give Acupuncture A Chance

Acupuncture is initially purported to maintain the proper balance of the body. The notion is advantageous for general health and for allergic symptoms. A successful session of acupuncture can address both the severity of symptoms and the basic health deficiencies that are responsible or contributing to vulnerability to allergies.

Make Use Of Probiotics

Basically, allergies are brought about due to some imperfection of the immune system, as the result of which the body begins to overreact to certain stimuli. Scientific studies state that frequent allergic incidence lessens the number of beneficial bacteria in the innards. Probiotics are taken to bolster the immune system, inhibit pathogenic growths, and assist in generating more immune invigorating substances.

Benefit from Green Vegetables and Quercetin

Quercetin is a substance contained in a number of fruits and vegetables, especially vegetables with green leaves like cauliflower, broccoli, spring onions, leeks, and the rest. This bioflavonoid helps balance the production and release of histamine.

It emerges that quercetin is instrumental in weakening airway irritation among its general advantageous influence on health. If prudently taken, it conduces to controlling acute anaphylactic overreaction to peanuts and some other foods.

Throw in Essential Oils

Actually, essential oils can be employed in many situations: when taking a bath, downing a cup of tea, getting a massage; also, an oil diffuser is used as an allergy symptom alleviator. Many kinds of oil (ones based on peppermint, eucalyptus, tea tree, basil, etc) are known to reduce inflammation and bolster the immune system. As for allergies, essential oils are helpful for overall detoxification, combating infections, noxious bacteria, microorganisms, and parasites.

Consult Experts

In milder cases, people can get by if they stay away from allergic triggers and assuaging symptoms by taking common allergy-related medications.

Those not so lucky control their condition with allergen immunotherapy, or allergy shots. This treatment often referred to as desensitization, is based on series of injections introducing into the body tiny amounts of allergy-causing substances. Such injections, taken over a long time, are supposed to put down the overreaction of the immune system and thus assuage symptoms. In certain cases, tablets placed under the tongue can provide the solution.

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