Scientists already discovered that negative emotions put additional strain on the heart; harboring hostility, dwelling on anger and depression is conducive to developing various heart disorders. The publications in the European Heart Journal show that individuals who are constantly anxious and worrying run the highest risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
Now the results of previous studies are supported by a new study that investigated the influence of the positive attitude to life on the condition of the heart. Those who feel at peace with life, have healthy habits, are disinclined to brood over things that upset them and leave them behind easily, are 22 per cent less likely to suffer from heart diseases.
Scientists believe that a happy frame of mind helps lower the blood levels of stress hormones.
While there is no definite proof that happiness makes a dependable protective measure, researchers are sure that they established the link between feeling happy and having a healthier heart. They say that enjoyment is a reliable factor in bringing down the risk of heart diseases on a par with blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure values.
Lead researcher Karina W. Davidson, summing up on the results of the study, says that even “spending a few minutes each day truly relaxed and enjoying yourself is certainly good for your mental health and may improve your physical health as well.”
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