Cellulite and Woman's Menstrual Cycle

The enemy of female attractiveness and slenderness – cellulite – brings a lot of distress in spring when we are to set off for a long-awaited vacation to a warm sea. At this time, women inspect their body in the mirror reflection with special captiousness and are disheartened with what they see. So can you defeat cellulite?

Woman's legs

Alas, the phenomenon of the orange peel is almost impossible to get rid of. But, knowing the characteristics of the female body, one can choose the most effective care which will bring the first results in the near future. Cellulite is the natural state of the subcutaneous fat of any healthy woman. Its manifestation depends on the level of estrogens (female sexual hormones), which are constantly changing throughout the female cycle.

Woman’s Menstrual Cycle Phases

Women’s menstrual cycle can be divided into three phases:

  1. the first phase: follicular, when the female body is dominated by the estradiol hormone, and the synthesis and lipolysis of fat cells is in relative equilibrium. This phase lasts for about 12-14 days.
  2. the second phase: ovulatory. During this phase, lactostimulating hormone is accumulated. It lasts for 3-4 days.
  3. the third phase: luteal, when the body actively produces the progesterone hormone. This phase is most noticeably characterized by water retention. There is swelling, blood circulation in the subcutaneous fat, as well as some puffiness. The duration of the luteal phase is 12-14 days.

It is noticed that the longer the woman’s cycle is, the more evident cellulite gets.

Fighting Cellulite in the Luteal Phase

During the follicular phase, any action aimed at active lipolysis of fat cells and all sorts of programs activating blood circulation will be effective. At this stage, it is recommended to use the lipolytic (fat burning) medicine which includes caffeine, seaweed, L-carnitine, teofellin etc.

Getting Rid of Cellulite in the 2th and 3rd Menstrual Cycle Phases

The second and the third phases of the menstrual cycle are marked by significant fluid retention in the body and are good for lymphatic drainage procedures. At this time, anti-cellulite massage with a draining effect and the use of drainage facilities with cooling effect are especially efficient. One can also use wrappings with plasticising masks and vacuum massage. The composition of home care medication will probably include such ingredients as birch extract, ginkgo biloba, extracts of thuja, arnica, and ivy.

How to Make Cellulite Treatment More Effective

In addition, to reduce swelling in the second half of the cycle, it is recommended:

  1. to exclude salty products from the food you eat during this period, to reduce the intake of fast carbohydrates, and to optimize the drinking mode;
  2. to add some physical activity which strengthens the drainage of tissues: Pilates, yoga, swimming, aquaerobics;
  3. to use herbal drinks which have a mild diuretic effect: green tea, fucus extract, hibiscus etc.

Anti-Cellulite Vitamin Tips

The main “anti-cellulite” vitamins are:

  • B-group vitamins (especially vitamin B5 which facilitates the recovery of capillary blood flow);
  • vitamin E (protects the skin and connective tissue from damage, prevents fibrotic changes);
  • iodine (fluid retention and the difficulty in losing weight are often associated with a hidden iodine deficiency);
  • chromium (helps to improve the level of basic metabolism).

Best Cellulite Treatment Tip: Vibration

The scientists claim that to create a smooth shape of the body one needs only 10 minutes of vibration per day. The specialists of the French Institute of the Body have conducted a study of 136 men and women. All the participants have been engaged in gym exercises. It turns out that vibration exercises not only promote muscle growth and improve metabolism, but also lead to burning fat. Moreover, the oscillations should vary in the range of 21-65 Hz. Vibration exercises improve blood circulation in the peripheral tissues. The result is noticeable in two months.

Source of the image: Photl.

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