A sensational recent study conducted by the researchers at Columbia University has proved the temporary inability to smile spontaneously and “to the ears” or laugh to tears after the injection of botulinum toxin which significantly reduces the intensity of the feelings of joy or happiness.
Now there is evidence that the limited facial abilities also affect the understanding of emotions and feelings of other people. This is the conclusion made by the scientists from the University of Southern California. According to the head of the research David Neil, if a woman cannot physically (mimically) express an emotion, it becomes unavailable to her and the woman loses her ability to guess the emotion on the face of another person.
If the muscle signals coming from the face to the brain are limited, it reduces the ability to experience the emotion fully and to read, or understand it on the face of another person. Vice versa, the more active the body language is, the more susceptible to emotions the person will be.
According to the scientists, mental consequences of botulinum toxin can be removed with a gel that intensifies the facial expression. It has been designed for people who have difficulty in recognizing other people’s emotions because of their own mental features.
Source of the image: Photl.