4 Tips for Treating and Living With Rosacea

If you’re currently living with rosacea, you’re not alone. Millions of people worldwide deal with this condition, and it can be caused by any number of factors. Getting to the bottom of your condition and learning how to deal with both causes and symptoms will ensure you live a happier and healthier life.

What is Rosacea?

According to London Dermatology Clinic, “Rosacea is a skin condition that is generally considered harmless although those with it often suffer social and emotional difficulties such as a loss of self-esteem, self-confidence and depression.”

Rosacea (pronounced roe-ZAY-she-uh) causes flushing or blushing of the skin, as well as visible blood vessels in the face. Symptoms often emerge during flare-ups that last for a period of several weeks to months before going away for a period of time. Rosacea is often mistaken for other skin problems like acne.

Signs and symptoms include facial blushing, visible veins, burning sensation, swollen bumps on the skin, eye problems (like dry eyes and irritation), and an enlarged nose.

Anyone can be affected by rosacea, but middle-aged caucasian women are most likely to be impacted.

4 Tips for Living With Rosacea

If you have rosacea, the goal is to prevent the frequency and severity of flare-ups. And while there’s no known “cure,” there are plenty of effective ways to treat, including:

Cleanse Your Face Twice Per Day

In most cases, people who have rosacea don’t wash their faces enough. This isn’t usually the underlying cause, but rather more of an effect. After all, when your skin is already irritated, the last thing you want to do is create more friction. But in order to improve your condition and lessen the risk of a flare-up, you should cleanse your face at least twice per day. Here’s how to do it properly:

  • Be intentional with the cleanser you choose. Avoid soap and opt for a mild cleansing product that’s designed for people with rosacea.
  • Use your fingertips to gently apply and massage the cleanser into your face in small circular motions.
  • Rinse your face with lukewarm water. Use your fingertips to gently wipe away the cleanser. Make sure you remove all of it, as excess cleanser that stays on your skin can cause irritation.
  • Pat dry your face with a clean towel. Avoid rubbing.

It’s recommended that you follow this cleaning process once in the morning and once in the evening prior to bed.

Moisturize Daily

For some people, rosacea causes dry skin. For others, it leads to oily skin. Either way, you need to make sure you’re moisturizing your face on a daily basis. This hydrates your skin, reduces irritation, and lowers the frequency of flare-ups.

According to one study of individuals with rosacea, using the proper moisturizer or barrier repair cream can generate positive results. Those who applied a rosacea treatment gel to their face twice daily (as well as a gentle moisturizing cream to one side of their face) saw improved results on that side of the face within just 15 days. This included less dryness, roughness, and peeling. They also reported feeling more comfortable.

Use the Right Skincare Products

Be very careful and cautious when choosing skincare products. Just because a product is FDA approved to be sold on shelves, doesn’t mean it’s great for your skin. There are certain ingredients that can irritate your skin and contribute to rosacea flare-ups. This includes alcohol, camphor, lactic acid, glycolic acid, fragrances, menthol, urea, and sodium lauryl sulfate.

Generally speaking, creams work better than lotions or gels. And, no matter what, avoid using astringent and toners.

Wear Sunscreen Daily

People with rosacea are generally more likely to experience a flare-up when there’s direct and prolonged exposure to sun. This is one of the reasons that people experience worse conditions during the summer months.

To reduce the likelihood of a flare-up, wear sunscreen. In fact, you should wear sunscreen on a daily basis, even if it’s a cloudy day. This will give you maximum protection. (Just make sure you wash your face at night before going to bed.)

Adding it All Up

Nobody wants to deal with rosacea, but you can still live a happy and healthy life. By implementing the tips highlighted in this article, you can reduce your risk of flare-ups and enjoy more confidence in your appearance.

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