16 Surprising Secrets of Your Body

You have no idea what your body is capable of, what its strengths and weaknesses are. We offer you 16 ways to fool your own body.


1. If you have a strong tickling sensation in your throat

Massage your earlobe. This activates the ear receptors and causes reflex spasm in the throat, which will remove the tickling sensation.

2. If you find it difficult to hear the murmur of the interlocutor

Turn to him with your right ear, as it hears gibbering speech better. A quiet melody can be better heard by the left ear, as it captures the flow of music more sensitively.

3. If you have a numb hand

You can cope with this problem by performing rotational movements of the head. Numb hands are often caused by a pinched nerve of the neck muscles. Motor activity helps release the nerves and restore the sensitivity of hands.

4. If you are terribly afraid of injections

Cough during the painful injection of the needle. This will significantly reduce the pain by increasing the tension in the chest and the spinal fluid, which reduces the sensitivity of pain receptors.

5. If you have difficulty with breathing due to nasal congestion

Press the palatal area with your tongue and massage the area between the eyebrows with your finger, causing the movement of the nose opener, which forms the back of the nasal septum. This action reduces nasal congestion in a matter of 20 seconds.

6. If heartburn prevents you from sleeping at nights

Try sleeping on your left side. It has been proved that such a posture reduces the amount of hydrochloric acid coming from the stomach into the esophagus. This is due to the fact that the position on the left side reduces the angle between the esophagus and the stomach, and the ingress of acid into the esophagus becomes more difficult.

7. If you have a toothache

The pain can be eased by rubbing an ice cube against the back of the palm between the thumb and forefinger. Thereby you block the pain signals from the teeth to the brain.

8. If you burn your finger

Reduce the chance of having blisters on the site of a burn by pressing the clean pad of another finger to the affected area. This is unlikely to help you cope with the pain as effectively as a piece of ice, but you can avoid long-term treatment of blisters.

9. If the excess of alcohol leads to dizziness

Reach out for a steady thing. The fact is that the liquid contained in the inner ear is of the same density as blood. When the blood is diluted, alcohol increases the density of the fluid in the inner ear and raises the cupola that regulates balance. The brain ceases to perceive the position of the body. Even the fact that you are standing firm on the ground is unlikely to help in this situation. Only the tactile sensation of hands helps the brain to correct the wrong impression.

10. If you feel pain in your side after running

Exhale when moving the body weight on the left foot. This will diminish the pressure on the diaphragm and liver and reduce the pain in the side. Remember that most people exhale when stepping on the right foot, and this leads to increased pressure on the liver.

11. If you have a nosebleed

Put a piece of cotton wool on the gum, located on the upper jaw, and push it firmly. This will increase the pressure on the front of the nasal septum and reduce bleeding.

12. If you are worried about heart palpitations

Blow on your thumb, and it will cause the irritation of the vagus nerve and slow down the heart rate.

13. If you are a man and you really need to the toilet

Force yourself to think about sex. It immediately becomes easier to bear it because urination and sex are mutually exclusive concepts.

14. If you have troubles with getting to the bottom of the pool while diving

Take a few short quick breaths. This will give you another 10 seconds. Because the brain will think that you have enough oxygen left, and you will be able to realize your plans.

15. If you are learning the information by heart

Repeat the text several times before sleep. During sleep, the brain organizes the information and translates it into long-term memory. Waking up in the morning, you will find that you remember the text by heart.

16. If you are prone to seasickness

Standing on the lower deck, keep your eyes on the horizon. This will ease your condition by reducing the contradictions between the sensations and visual impressions. Eating ginger also helps to cope with the problem of seasickness.

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