10 Ways to Improve Your Memory

Do you know why children are quick to grasp? They constantly train their brain. Memory is a very powerful tool, but it weakens if not used for a long time. What do you do for your brain to remain active and productive?


We’re sharing with you 10 ways to improve memory.

1. Read good books

While reading, you get the brain to memorize information about the characters of the book, their feelings and events. The brain forms clear images and stimulates imagination. Thus, reading improves your memory, develops intelligence, and enriches vocabulary.

2. Computer Games

Gamers will be pleased to know that they do not just spend time in front of the monitor, but also train their brain. However, there is one thing … Half an hour’s game (one hour’s at maximum) is enough to train your brain, not the whole evening or day. While playing an intellectual or logical game, you have to think, to choose a strategy, and to plan further action. If you do routine work, a half-hour’s game can keep your brain active.

3. Sleep

Healthy eight hours of sleep is essential for maintaining the brain in good condition. During the day, your brain solves all sorts of problems and issues – from simple to very complex ones, so it needs a good night’s rest to solve problems effectively the next day again.

4. Learn something new

Think about what you would like to learn, what you like most – and do it. Try your hand at a new hobby – perhaps it will be horseback riding or painting. Try to write a poem or a children’s fairy tale. Do something you have never done, and let your brain actively participate in it.

5. Get rid of the routine

Do extraordinary things and take spontaneous decisions. For example, replace your morning coffee with fresh juice, try to learn to write with your left hand, change the usual route – so you learn how to get rid of the routine.

6. Work with numbers

Do you remember the multiplication table? What about counting in your head? We can not imagine our life without calculators. Try to calculate your purchases at the supermarket yourself or make other calculations in mind. This will not only make your brain work, but also improve your memory.

7. Learn by heart

How many poems do you know by heart? Children know dozens of poems. You can learn nursery rhymes with your children or memorize a dozen (or more) poems by classics or contemporary poets. In such a way, you will not only train the memory, but also receive aesthetic pleasure. Someday you’ll surprise your colleagues or loved ones reciting a poem.

8. Tell somebody about the past

Try to tell someone about your previous day from the end, i.e. what you did in the evening and how your day began. Looking into the near or more distant past, you activate the memory and do not give it a chance to erase this information as unnecessary.

9. Learn foreign languages

Learning foreign languages ​​is a great workout for the brain, and this knowledge is always useful in life. Make it a rule to learn at least ten new words a day. When you have mastered this pace, you can take on learning phrases.

10. Enrich your vocabulary

Discover new words every day. It may be general concepts or words from your specialization. Use a dictionary to find the interpretation of an unknown word or pick synonyms for the already familiar words. Try to use new words in your everyday speech.

If you do not use your memory regularly, you lose it. For your memory not to weaken, use these 10 tips, save them on your wall. They will not take much time, but soon you will feel how much better your brain will work.

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