Le Whif, who marked last year by offering chocoholics inhalable chocolate, keep up their good work developing gadgets within the concept that we don’t have to use our mouths for anything more vigorous than talking. Either they believe that we could learn to talk and eat simultaneously thus saving precious time, or they are inclined to regard a chewing-and-gulping human with esthetic distaste. Anyhow, the news is that from now on we can inhale coffee.
For $8 you get a set of three lipstick-shaped cases, elegant and easily wearable in a pocket or in a purse. The coffee inhaler contains about 100 mg of caffeine, the amount Le Whif gauged to equal one cup of espresso. Nine good sniffs should drain the cup and get you coffee-steered, alive and kicking. Coffee drinkers may soon get the moniker of “coffee noses”.
Source of the image: Dvice.com.