Launching an iPod nano type device, the folks at Cowon, Korea, decided to go for a design that would be recognizable and distinguishable at the same time. So they picked the overall appearance from the Apple iPod nano topping it with a steel ring that looks austerely attractive.
Their device, called iAudio E2 MP3 player, isn’t overstuffed with all the latest features. It supports most audio formats like WMA, OGG, FLAC and WAV (not forgetting MP3!). iAudio E2 features a useful “earSafe” function that doesn’t allow for too loud a play when you have turned the player on.
Cowon’s iAudio E2 is available in two versions, 2GB and 4GB, and a variety of colors – besides the standard white, black, and pink you can choose sky blue, violet, lilac silver, orange red or mocha brown. It retails at 49,000 Korean won which is approximately $42.
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