Top 6 Ideas for an Epic Night Out

When the week is over you’re ready to cut loose and have a great weekend. If you have a great group of friends and an evening to spare, you can do a lot of amazing things.

Fashion Exchange Party


Image via Flickr by j_silla

When you grow tired of those old Coach flats it doesn’t mean they’ve lost value: your friends would love to have them! What could be better than swapping some of your old favorites for new-to-you goods from a friend? While this idea might appeal more to women than men, a lot of guys could benefit from a refreshed wardrobe.

Here are some of the things you could exchange:

  • Purses
  • Sunglasses
  • Jewelry
  • Shoes
  • Scarves
  • Clothes

While shoes and clothes are tricky due to sizing, anyone could wear your old scarf. Prepare a blender of margaritas and put on some happy music, and you have a ready-made night of fun.

Night Hiking Adventure

Get a group of fit people together and give them flashlights and the only limitation is their water supply. Night hiking is cool literally, as well as figuratively. Be mindful of letting others know where you are going and when to expect you back, and bring plenty of batteries!

Group Painting Event


Image via Flickr by Bankdis

Many cities now facilitate group painting events. It’s an easy way to get together with your friends and kick-back, relax, and create something special. Even if painting is out of your comfort zone, this idea will work, because the teacher explains things for beginners and experts.

Guilty Pleasure Marathon Movies

Admit it; you watch The Bachelor or American Idol. Those guilty pleasure shows are a good way to get your friends to let their guard down and get passionate about something meaningless and funny. Prepare a few themed snacks and you will have a loud and bawdy group on your hands in no time!

Sports Excursions Done Right


Image via Flickr by John Seb Barber

Why just go to the game when you could make a night of it? In order to do a sports excursion right you need to pre-game at a bar, wrap-up in a night club, and follow-through with plenty of banter. You could get a group discount on Buffalo Bills tickets or local football seats to off-set the cost of your pre-game. Don’t forget the face paint and fanatic clothing!

Paws at Spas

After a long week at work your pet might feel neglected, so why not bring it along on a day spa adventure. Many companies now allow spa buy-outs for groups that want to make their own rules (such as by allowing pets and champagne). Also, when you buy-out a few hours at your favorite spa you don’t have to worry about strangers eavesdropping, because everyone in there will be your friend.

These top ideas for your next weekend out will keep your group excited, invigorated, and ready to party next time, too. By choosing the right activities and adventures you make sure that everyone will be content and committed to getting-together again.

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