Things Women Notice in Men First

While men check out the girls because they need to see the whole picture, women size up the guys paying attention to details. Usually, their inbuilt scanner starts doing its job automatically once they see a man. Every single detail about man’s appearance and behavior matters and the whole set of details makes a certain impression on a woman. where you can find single russian ladies has surveyed their female users and found out about the things that catch women’s eyes once they meet a man. Pay attention to the following things in order to pass the women’s test.



The first thing that women notice in men is their shoes. The state and quality of your footwear can tell much about you. Worn-down or dirty shoes indicate that you don’t care about your style and the way you look. If you show up on a date wearing shabby sneakers, she will even think you don’t respect her. That is why make sure you have a pair of fashion shoes and a pair of designer sneakers in your wardrobe. Keep them in a good state and combine them with the clothes appropriately.


A usual greeting gesture on the first date is a gentle handshake. However, many guys overlook the state of their hands and when a woman feels the touch of man’s coarse skin, a good first impression is spoiled. What can be done in this case? Just add moisturizing cream to your grooming products and impress a woman with your smooth to the touch hands.


A proper greeting is the foundation of your date. Shaking hands is OK but make sure you do it in a gentle but firm manner. Also, remember about the importance of smile and eye contact. Don’t let your nervousness overwhelm and leave you speechless. Say “hello” to your date and address her by her name. When you come to the appointed venue, spot your date and start approaching her, don’t look past her or to the left or right from her before focusing on her face. Radiate confidence but be friendly and benevolent.


If you think that women pay attention only to their appearance, then it may be an eye-opener for you that women do care about what men wear. Two main requirements for your attire are appropriateness and neatness. Leave your sweatshirt, sweatpants, and T-shirts with “witty” prints in your wardrobe at home. Jeans are OK but make sure they are clean; combine them with an ironed shirt and a blazer jacket. Choose your clothes according to the situation: if it’s a date at a fancy restaurant, dress up but if it’s a casual date at a coffee shop, don’t be too formal.


Make sure your hair is clean before you approach a woman or go out on a date with her. There isn’t a universal cut adored by all women but there is a universal turnoff – greasy uncombed hair and beard. That is why remember about personal grooming whenever you go out with a woman.


Your eloquence and communication skills are also assessed by women. Your manner of speaking, possible accent or dialect, filler words you use will make a certain impression on a woman. If you overuse swear words, it will definitely turn her off. It’s important for a woman that a man can keep up a conversation and speak correctly.

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