In recent years, specialists and healthcare providers are trying to break up the concept of the “grumpy old man.”
This idea has followed males around for centuries as a seemingly “natural” way that they age. All of that is changing as we learn more about the irritable male syndrome.
If you want to help a friend, family member, or a partner, getting to know more about this syndrome can help them.
Here is what you need to know.
Are You Seeing Signs?
When it seems like the men that you’re around are always irritable, it might feel like you have to walk on eggshells.
You might worry that you have to say the right thing at the right time to ensure that they’re not upset or stressed out. However, it might be something going on with them that has absolutely nothing to do with you.
Depression and low confidence might lead to irritability.
If you notice that men who you’re around are struggling with concentrating, sleeping, or having enough energy to get through the day, they might qualify. Hormonal changes which can make it hard to recover after exercise, cause them to retain weight, or even lead to erectile dysfunction could all be part of it.
On top of it all, these things will impact how you interact with your partner.
It’s hard to feel positive when you’re dealing with someone who is irritable because of lack of sleep. It could also be the syndrome causing the lack of sleep.
Recognizing issues with physical or mental health can be the best way to ensure that you’re prepared to support your friends and loved ones. If their symptoms aren’t linked to another health issue, see if it’s irritable male syndrome causing the problems.
Track Down the Causes
If you’re worried this is the problem, also known as andropause, it’s usually linked to a decrease in testosterone. Testosterone is produced naturally in the reproductive system and is a natural part of reproductive development.
It helps to create muscle mass and body hair in males.
However, many males see a gradual decline starting in their 30s. While some males take to this naturally and the decline is slow, it accelerates in other males. When this happens, it can change the way a male seems themselves.
Testosterone helps with confidence, fitness, and libido, which culturally are ascribed to males to fit their gender role.
When this goes missing, it can be hard for some people to behave as they’re expected or influence how they relate to the people around them. It times time and effort to reshape their identity and if they’re not comfortable with this, they might react negatively.
Diagnosing Irritable Male Syndrome
One way to begin the diagnosis for this is to check testosterone levels. Age-related mood shifts are one of the most common signs of this syndrome and are most often linked to hormone shifts.
Taking a blood test is the best way to see what’s going on with testosterone.
When your doctor has evidence to back up their theories, they can start to help with mood swings. They’ll make sure that there’s no presence of diabetes, sleep apnea, or any other health problems that lead to low energy and irritation.
If there are problems with erectile dysfunction, partners should have open conversations about these issues. Being open with a partner is the best way to make sure they understand what you’re experiencing.
Men are most often underdiagnosed and undertreated for mental health disorders. The one group of people who are least likely to go to therapy are self-identified cis males.
What Are Some Treatments?
If you notice someone around you is dealing with this syndrome, hormone replacement therapy is an option. Synthetic injections of the hormone can help stave off some of the issues.
There are some side effects, however. If there are health issues present or issues with aggression, these problems become worse as testosterone is added.
One of the best and simplest ways to manage irritable male syndrome might surprise most readers. The answer is good weight management and a healthier diet. This ends up impacting the likelihood of diabetes, heart disease, improves sleep, and increases energy levels.
Lowering alcohol intake, eliminating smoking, and getting regular exercise improves the ability for testosterone to be healthily processed and maintained. Even a healthier diet can be a natural way of treating hair loss, which can impact how some men feel about themselves.
Managing The Syndrome
To help some males understand the change of their bodies, they may need to have a healthier relationship with their partner. If you’re looking for a guide to help a male partner or family member to understand what’s happening, you can help by opening up the conversation.
They need to learn to recognize the changes in their mood and allow others to share their perception. A testosterone level test and therapy might be useful, but some people don’t want to hear that.
Simple stress-relieving activities like yoga and breathing exercises might be good. As a friend, family member, or partner, doing these activities with them can be helpful.
Couples counseling, nutritional counseling, or just a personal trainer can all be useful ways to improve the irritability.
Irritable Male Syndrome Isn’t Inevitable
While the irritable male syndrome is something that millions of males will deal with, it’s not something that you or your loved ones have to. Helping one another to deal with the stress and changes that come with age is the best way to ensure that we live longer and happier lives.
To make sure that all potentially stressful situations can be defused, check out our guide to dealing with stress in conversations.