5 Important Tips for Saving a Struggling Relationship

In almost any relationship, there are good times and bad times. When things are good, it’s easy to brush small issues under the table and rely on romance and intrigue to keep things together. But it’s during the bad times that the future gets dicey. And if you want to hold your relationship together, you need a plan of action.

5 Tips for Saving Your Relationship

Whether you’ve been dating for six months or married for decades, relationships always have their snags. And if your relationship is struggling or spiraling out of control, you need to step up and proactively address whatever is holding you back from enjoying a happy and healthy relationship. Here are a few pointers:

1. Understand What Makes Your Partner Tick

It’s impossible to have a healthy long-term relationship without an in-depth understanding of who your partner is on a foundational level. More specifically, you need to know what makes them tick. And once you do, you can make educated decisions on how to connect with them.

If, for instance, you’re worried about your partner cheating, knowing their zodiac sign will help you get a better feel for what’s actually happening beneath the surface. Take Taurus men as an example. Taurus men cheat when they don’t feel appreciated or respected. To prevent your guy from straying, you should make sure you’re recognizing him and praising him for what he brings to the table.

Maybe it’s not fidelity that’s in question. Perhaps it’s disagreements over political beliefs. By listening to your partner explain why they feel a certain way and asking questions, you can get a better feel for why they believe what they believe. Then you can say your peace and agree to disagree — but at least you understand!

2. Learn to Communicate Effectively

Communication is so very important for a struggling relationship. If you can learn how to engage in healthy verbal communication, your relationship will have a much stronger foundation. The key is to listen more than you speak.

Ask probing questions and listen 80 percent of the time. When you speak, choose your words wisely (but be honest). The more transparency and vulnerability there is on one side, the more the other partner will be willing to open up. If your partner refuses to be vulnerable, try leading by example (rather than trying to extract something out of them).

3. Take Responsibility for Your Mess-Ups

When a relationship is in trouble, it’s never just a one-sided issue. While one partner may be more to blame than the other, there are always mistakes made on both sides. You can’t do anything about your partner, but you can take responsibility for your mess-ups and apologize. This requires a lot of vulnerability, but it may be enough to encourage your partner to do the same.

4. Rediscover the Bedroom Magic

In the beginning stages of a relationship, sex can be enough to keep you close with your partner. But as the relationship goes on, it’s easy to get stuck in a place where you’re just going through the motions. Rediscovering bedroom “magic” is sure to have a positive impact on your relationship.

Whether it’s a change of scenery, new positions, or even more spontaneity, mixing things up will bring some fresh energy into the relationship. (Just make sure not to put all of the emphasis on sex. It should be just one component of reigniting your relationship.)

5. Seek Professional Help

There are situations that you can easily fix on your own. (Particularly if you and your partner learn how to communicate effectively.) But even with the best communication skills, there are certain issues that require professional help.

It might sound intense or over-the-top, but hiring a professional counselor can help by creating an unbiased third-party who understands how to foster communication, address problems, and effectively deal with issues that have been swept under the rug for so many years.

Adding it All Up

At the end of the day, saving a struggling relationship requires sacrifice and selflessness. You must be capable of looking beyond yourself and prioritizing the needs and well-being of your partner. In doing so, your partner will feel understood, loved, and appreciated. They will also be more likely to prioritize your needs. And it’s this combination of sacrificial love that paves the way for a healthy relationship.

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