If there’s ongoing bickering between you and your boyfriend, the time has come to revert to learning a few basic facts about men’s innermost needs. Either sex often doesn’t realize how few of their needs are known to the other sex so that what one thinks or feels remains hidden for the partner. So, here’s a comprehensive insight into the male mindframe.
Come on, just between us, we know a few things about how to manipulate our men, drawing them into a confidential and chivalrous attitude, but going deeper into the matter won’t do any harm. All the more so because our beaus are not always very articulate about it. So their secrets need a little additional exploring, the results of which are set here. Besides, men would actually like us to know what they want deep down inside.
You can rely on these hints, covering all the spheres of male life from their predilection to porn to their favorite female hairstyles, in practically every instance.
Support their favorite team
An indifferent girlfriend is a strain and embarrassment when watching a game. If you find it hard to really support his team, at least psyche yourself up to put on a show of pretence now and then. Believe, it will be appreciated.
Make sure your hand job is perfect
See that you go really hard at it, don’t be afraid of hurting him, they don’t complain of that! This is the good time to show some aggression, and chances are you will discover a new edge to the game.
Cut down on nagging
Our ways to express our feelings do not always go down well with men. Give some thought to whether you go at him for a good reason or to keep your habit honed… Don’t let him get sick and tired of your nagging.
What if you are bloated?
It’s OK to speak freely about it with your BFF, but maybe not with your BF. Let him remain unaware of what is going on, it will only be to your credit.
Your outfits
You can ask your man what his opinion about the outfit you’re in is, but don’t overdo it. What you’re going to hear is quite predictable, do you really need to hear it every time? It’s over their heads, if the truth is said.
Show them that you respect yourself
He must know that you are dignified, confident, collected, well aware of what you are and what you wish – which will make him respect you even more. Without it, he may lose what respect he had for you.
Acting weird (for long)
We women are sometimes capable of acting selfishly and impatiently so as to be almost on the verge of paranoia. When indulging in such insignificant whims, bear in mind that for our BF it can be pretty unnerving at times!
Try not to show weakness
When you are facing problems, try not to break down. Let your man give you support and care, but let him see that he doesn’t have to pick up the pieces, for you will brace yourself soon. This way you will gain his respect and a far more serious attitude.
Show yourself for what you are
Although you may think that men fall for doll-like women, it’s only partially true. You strike them most when you’re natural. Minimum makeup, a casual hairstyle, free as a bird, and you’re as charming as you can ever be.
Another girl
There will be times when they start thinking about other girls in terms of sex and fun. It is characteristic of men, it will happen time and time again, but mostly it boils down to how they like to see themselves. If you refuse to take it seriously it will go up in smoke.
Do they prefer anal?
So many men around who prefer the usual way. Oh, they may speak about it and finger you down behind, but it’s only their little games. No need to think all men are into the anal thing.
Trying a threesome
Another popular myth is that men can’t wait to get you in bed with another woman. Talk, more talk. Many of them will never get round to it, so you can let them indulge in their favorite fantasies.
Porn videos are always in
Here’s another male thing which is useless to try and put down. It’s their idea of a quickie, generally up to four times per week. Write it off to their personal needs.
Fantasy films are also in
Practically all of’em are ardent admirers of Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings and suchlike stuff. If you are out to earn the respect of your partner and his friends, get primed on who Frodo (or Luke Skywalker) is and what he did. After all, you may like it yourself…
Lingerie goes for a pleasant surprise
Choose an appropriate time and surprise him with a new set of sexy lingerie. Try all kinds, from garter slips to babydoll, and if you throw in some acting you will have him jumping out of his trousers.
Bow to his mom
Just take it that you are the main woman in his life – after his mother! Well, she bore him and reared him, and you can’t compete with that. No need to pick bones with her, try and get her on your side, and you will win your man’s admiration and respect for the rest of his life.
Learn what off side is
Steel yourself and get to know it – better still, ask your man for a detailed explanation.
Periods are baffling
Don’t be surprised upon discovering that your man knows nothing whatsoever about your periods: what is normal or abnormal about your menstrual cycle, what measures and pills you take. Even those who know something tend to disregard it. Oh well, they are not supposed to really know what it is like to have cycles.
Sex during periods is all right
You must have come across the situation when your partner wanted sex so much that he couldn’t care less that you were having your period. So, be ready that these days are not treated as exception.
The dilemma of the toilet seat
What annoys most men (and irritates a few) is when they walk into the toilet and find the toilet seat down. The next time around they will expect to find it down too. Try and avoid squabbling over that.
Put your head on his chest
This makes the man feel strong and protecting, they just love it, and they’re not above some cozy cuddling.
Discussing your female friends isn’t a good idea
It may be something to bitch about with other girls for you when your friend turned up in awful makeup or outfit, or what and how much she ate. Unfortunately, your man doesn’t care a rap, so drop it.
Win his friends over
You will rise in his eyes enormously if you succeed in being a hit with his pals. The more so if he knows you have done your best to.
Men appreciate your buying clothes for them
You may hold that it is his responsibility in the first place, but give it a second thought: he may keep wearing his clothes from way back when. It will be fun for you both if you spruce him up.
Man’s heart will follow his stomach
It’s an old one, but it’s still true! Everybody loves it when they come home to find their favorite dish on the table. What better expression of love can there be? Answer that question again when you get hungry.
They adore being kissed
Discover his most kissable spots, so you can drive him crazy with your kisses.
Ponytails are a favorite with men
Sure, they love it when you wear your hair down, but it’s also very feminine and fetching when you arrange your hair in ponytails and expose your face at them. They are sure to find it really cute.
Show orgasm
When you’re orgasming and it’s written all over your face (and body), it’s a great sight for him besides being a welcome boost for his male prowess. Show him that you’re loving it, it will fire him up!
Give them a chance to show off muscle
Heavy bags and boxes? A wasp flying around in the kitchen? Get your man to sort it out and become the moment’s hero as often as you can.
Lay back
Women who are invariably worried and restless tire men out. Allow some time of quietude for the man and for yourself too. Quality time together is incompatible with pressure.