How to Protect Lip Skin in Summer

Beautiful LipsMost women tend to avoid color lip makeup in summer in order for their lips to get necessary vitamins from the sun and to look more natural on the beach. Instead, many of us use lip balm or lipgloss, but is it really healthy for your lips? Summer is just around the corner, and here are tips on whether to use lip makeup in summer and, if yes, what kind of it to use and how to protect your lips from the summer sun.

Lip Care Products and Lip Cancer

According to scientists at Baylor University, Dallas, it’s better not to use lipgloss on the beach. Lipgloss and lip balsam focus ultraviolet on the tender lip skin, which increases the risk of malignant cell regeneration. Lip cancer is one of the most malignant, it develops faster, than in other body areas.

Tips on Lip Care in Summer

In order to protect your lips on a sunny day, scientists recommend to do the following:

  • apply lip balm and lipgloss only over sun-protection cream,
  • if you are planning to spend more than 20 minutes on the beach, apply 30 SPF (Sun protection Factor) cream,
  • reapply lip balm and lipgloss throughout the day,
  • in case of any white spots, color change or desquamation of the lip skin for a long time, visit a doctor.
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