At first, the job of a data analyst sounds a little bit vague, so you find it difficult to imagine what it is you will be doing. You will soon discover that these days, data scientists are considered to be quite important in many companies. Statistic experts opine that the number will grow by 5 or 6% in the following five years. According to Glassdoor, data analyst is the number one job in the U.S. – currently as well as in the past years. Considering what’s been said, if you hit upon the idea to study a Diploma in data analytics, get your bearings and forge ahead. The supply does not overtake the demand yet, and advanced education is the key factor in the business.
What exactly does the job involve?
Working with data implies being a computer professional experienced in collecting, organizing, storing and handling data with the view of arranging them properly and using them to assist the management in making data-based decisions.
What will your benefits be if you take us at our word?
You won’t be afraid of getting the ground cut off from under your feet. Practically, any company has to deal with enormous data bases, which require analytical approach. That makes big data analysists people of high importance in the industry, the more so as many an organization is intending to expand working with data bases.
Since the profession is on the rise, you will be satisfied to know that the median salary has been steadily increasing during the years – by about 13% with each year. So you will have nothing to complain about on this score.
Thirdly, there is a wide range of choices of industries in which you can apply your prowess. Most of them are open for you, you can go to work in the one nearest to your interests: financial, retail, logistics, healthcare, human resource management, to name but a few of the most important ones.
Then, there are specific job descriptions you can stake out for yourself, different in the kind of work you will have to do and in the salary you can expect to draw. Data analyst is at the root of the tree, providing conclusions based on handling the applicable data. From there you can move on to holding the position of statistician, interpreting and reporting business information. Further promotion can be to data engineer who is engaged in real-time data processing and preparing it for handing over to data scientists.
Data scientists who pocket the salary of the analyst and half of it over, have to deal with stores of both processed and raw information and arrive at conclusions that are supposed to prove beneficial for the line of production/service they work for.
It’s not the end of the road – you can earn still more as enterprise architect by cooperating with stakeholders, top managers and subject matter experts helping work out a company’s strategy, IT assets and information development.