The Best Time to Ask for Promotion

Men become more accommodating at six o’clock in the evening. During a study, it was also revealed it is better to beware of arguing with women after noon because at 15:00 they usually prevail in disputes.

The Best Time to Ask for Promotion

Experts advise it is better not to ask for promotion in the morning but at 13:00 because at this time bosses more often heed to the demands of their subordinates. These conclusions are based on a survey that was commissioned by Bayer Schering Pharma, which studied more than 1000 men and women, The Daily Mail reports.

The study also found that not only women are subject to the “jump in mood” tendency. About 86% of men and women admitted they have regular emotional difficulties. However, it never occurred to most of them that this phenomenon could be used beneficially.

The research results show that by listening to one’s biorhythms, one can often achieve one’s goals. Hormones, stress, food and alcohol affect one’s mood.

Source of the image: Photl

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