10 Amazing Tips for Managing Work-Related Stress

Should stress be a permanent fixture at work? According to statistics, companies in the US spend $30 billion annually on workplace stress. It has existed for as long as workplaces. Why are more people stressed? What can employees do to manage stress?

For the most part, people aren’t managing stress effectively. About 20% of the US workforce says they experience extreme levels of stress. Reasons for stress include long commutes, unclear goals, bad management, long hours and difficult co-workers. So, how can you distress from work and work-related overload?


There is power in the mind. It could offer a lifeline or throw you into an infinite pit of worry. Find a quiet space daily to escape to and gradually arrive at a state of calm. Create a mantra that calms your emotions and recite it silently in your mind. You’ll feel calmer if you do this for 15-25 minutes.

Sit up straight

Remember when you were younger and your parents always told you to sit up straight or stand taller? They probably didn’t know the full impact it could have on the job. New scientific studies show that posture affects psychology and influences behaviour; and workers who sit in hunched over or contracted positions feel more stressed. Better still, switch over to good quality eco-friendly furniture which research has shown are not just non-toxic, but also healthier and comfier.

Generally, try to create more breathing room and physical space both in your apartment and office. If that’s not feasible, occasionally stand and perform some stretch exercises.

Start your day with mindful meditation

Meditation helps to create intention. Take time to think about your daily goals. Research shows that 20 minutes of mindful meditation before breakfast or work, makes a difference in your day.

Relax your mind

Relaxing the mind and shutting it off from all the physical noises and distractions around is one of the most effective ways to gain emotional clarity and balance. Everyone has their own unique way to relax the mind, and you just need to find yours. For some, it is about taking deep, slow breath, practising mindful meditation or using guided imagery. Others say there’s nothing more mind-relaxing than an induction vaporizer. This is because besides the fact that, compared to cigarettes, e-cigs provide a healthier pleasure, the liquid nicotine dopamine also produces a feel-good neurohormone that reduces stress.

Listen to calming music

Music is powerful. It is also a stress reliever when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Occasionally, take a break and listen to relaxing music. Listening to your favorite song can have a positive effects on your body and mind by reducing cortisol hormones that cause stress and lowers blood pressure. Classic music, slow jazz and nature sounds have the most calming effect.

Eat well

Diet and stress are closely related. As stated earlier, stress causes you to crave sugar and you might feel tempted to snack on junk and sugary treats. People forget to eat when they are stressed at works; so plan your meals ahead. Oily fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acids reduces stress symptoms alongside vegetables and fruits.


When you actively engage your body in vigorous workout sessions it enriches your bloodstream, releases endorphins that alleviates stress and keeps your heart in shape. The endorphins offer extra benefits that modulate appetite, enhance your immune system and release sex hormones for couples to enjoy better sex.

Boxing is the best workout for maximum pummeling motion. The thud of a connecting punch and flow of lactic acid in the muscle tissue combine to destroy anxiety and stress.

Take off your shoes

When you work 8 hours a day, your shoes causes discomfort after a while.
One layer between your feet and floor is a fun way to let go and relax at work. Foot manipulation is a popular way to reduce stress, especially in eastern healthcare philosophies.

Employees at Supercell, a Finnish gaming company always take their shoes off at work. It creates a comfortable working environment that boosts morale and productivity. The company makes over $2.5 million a day without shoes.

Avoid unrealistic goals

Ambition is good but setting unachievable goals is discouraging. A study at Griffith University in Australia examined the reaction of students when faced with an unattainable goal. Those with higher adjustment capacity reported less stress, more exploration and better career planning. Flexibility is key in life.

Improve relations with work colleagues

One in three people work with co-workers that make them want to leave. Bad working relationship with colleagues is one of the major reasons for work stress, both for managers and staff members. Take the first step by meeting the person to discuss how your relationship could be better. If it works, it dramatically relieves stress.


According to science, laughter is the best medicine that keeps anxiety at bay. Laughing stimulates circulation, heart, muscles, lungs and increases oxygen intake. Laughing also releases endorphins. A few minutes of laughter offers long-term benefits for your stress levels.


Sometimes, you try all the conventional methods, read books and practice breathing techniques but it might not work. Some of the tips we’ve provided while unconventional will break you out of your routine and help you create good habits for stress-free work life.

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