5 Ways to Make Holiday Dishes Healthier

Holiday Dishes Dieticians at the University of Texas (USA) claim that changing the list and amount of ingredients for your holiday recipes can help avoid health problems, extra pounds and usual heaviness in the stomach. Here’s the first tip on how to make holiday dishes healthier – cut down on sugars, fats and salt may help make dishes less unhealthy and more weight-friendly without major difference to their taste. Go below for more healthy tips.

Use Less Sugar

Experts advise the following. For example, if you need one cup of sugar for a recipe, use two thirds instead; if you need a half teaspoon of salt, use the fourth part or stay away from it.

Use Whole Wheat Flour

Another way to make dishes healthier is to replace regular flour with whole wheat flour and to buy only fat-free milk.

Make Food Low-Calorie

Your dishes should be low in fat and calories, but low fat content does not necessarily means cut down on calories, experts point out. For instance, condensed milk can be a good substitute for cream, fat free broth for butter, brown sugar for white regular sugar, yoghurt for eggs when you make cakes and pies.

Change The Way You Cook

Also, the experts suggest steaming instead of frying and low baking temperatures. Don’t bake one of the favorite Christmas dishes – chicken – until crispy crust and it’s better to remove its skin.

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