The Only Dental Care Guide You Need To Read In 2020

We are in 2020, and there’s already a lot that our bodies and minds have had to go through during this pandemic period. Now, it’s time for you to consider and prioritize your oral health, so you can save yourself from painful oral infections and diseases.

Good oral hygiene has a significant impact on your quality of life. Here is our complete guide for routine oral dental hygiene that you need in 2020.

Why do you need better oral health?

Practicing good oral health routines is essential for maintaining a healthy mouth, teeth, and gums. During this current pandemic, we need to take extra care of our mind and body. A healthy mouth helps enhance the quality of your appearance and life.

Poor dental hygiene can lead to several problems like tooth decay and oral diseases. Dental diseases can seem mild or non-existent in the initial stages. However, they can cause severe problems if you leave them untreated. According to Dr. Bryan Shanahan, an infection that begins in the gums can eventually spread to the heart and lungs.

Routine oral care tips

To maintain and enhance your oral health, you must make sure to have an oral care routine. Here are a few tips to incorporate in your daily routine:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day. This will help you to get rid of harmful plaque and make your mouth feel refreshed. Take your time while brushing your teeth and use a good toothpaste.
  • Interdental cleaning is as essential as brushing your teeth. It helps to clean any hard-to-reach between your teeth where bacteria and other germs can hide. Dental floss, interdental brushing, and water picks can be some effective flossing options.
  • Although not a replacement for brushing and flossing, mouthwash is an excellent addition to your oral care routine. Use alcohol-free mouthwash to rinse your mouth twice a day for thirty seconds each time.
  • Avoid sugary and acidic foods like meat, chocolate, sugar candies, etc. These kinds of food materials affect the enamel of your teeth by degrading it. Instead, include fibrous fruits and vegetables in your diet to benefit your oral health.
  • Keep your toothbrush at a clean place, covered with a cap. You must keep your toothbrush at least six feet away from your toilet. Also, make sure that there are no insects like mosquitoes or lizards near your brush case. Change your brush after every few months.

When to see the dentist

Regular check-ups from a certified dentist are imperative and irreplaceable. Do not miss seeing your dentist at least twice a year. Also, here are a few clear signs that you need to see a dentist today:

  • You have pain or swelling in your mouth, neck, or face region.
  • Your gums seem puffy and bleed while brushing or flossing.
  • You have some ongoing medical issues like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, eating disorder, etc.
  • You have trouble while chewing or swallowing your food.
  • You have a dry mouth, or you always feel parched.
  • You have spots or sores in your mouth.
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