Men Prefer Brunettes

The Telegraph has published a study that shows that men prefer brunettes, rather than blondes, as is commonly believed.

Women's Hair

The study proves that men find women with dark hair more thoughtful and intelligent than their friends with blonde hair.

It was also evident that from the point of view of men, brunettes can take better care of them, they are supposed to cook better and maintain comfort and cleanliness in the house. Brunettes are generally more inventive in bed, and that is another men’s observation, noted in the study.

In general, it looks like men have their own idea about women’s hair color, and it is clearly different from the stereotype that “gentlemen prefer blondes”. They seem to “like it hot”, using the terminology associated with the films, where the most famous blonde of all time Marilyn Monroe starred.


The study was conducted by the Superdrug company. Its spokesman says that when women choose a shade of hair dye, they are primarily focused on the stars, and not on their own image. It is a mistake because most of the stars are blondes and men do not need blondes in such quantity.

The study involved 1,000 men, and 54% of them would choose a brunette as a wife, while only 16% would prefer a wife with blonde hair. 30% do not have any considerable preferences in this issue.

ow to Dry Your Hair

If we talk about girlfriends rather than wives, the men’s choice does not change, and they still prefer brunettes: 48% would like to have a girlfriend with brown hair, 25% want a girl with blonde hair, and for 27% the choice does not seem important.

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