Vaseline Beauty Secrets

A lot has been written and said on the significance of Vaseline in the cosmetic industry. But it seems that the properties of this wonder medicine are so multifaceted that every now and then new Vaseline beauty recipes appear. Most probably, you have not heard anything about them. Or maybe, one of them has been among your favorites for a long time.


Vaseline History

Back in 1869, Englishman Robert Chesebrough could hardly expect how popular his useful invention would become. However, initially it had a rather strange name – petroleum jelly. Since 1972, this product has been known worldwide under the brand name Vaseline. To this day, Vaseline occupies an important place in the cosmetic industry. It is held in high esteem not only among the professionals – many women realize their beauty secrets with Vaseline. Here are some of them.

Protection during hair dyeing

If you do not go to the hairdresser and prefer to dye your hair at home on your own, you might have faced another problem: after using a dye, the skin along the hairline is covered with unsightly spots that are sometimes very difficult to wash. In this case, Vaseline will be helpful. Before dyeing hair, apply it on the skin where it neighbors the hairline. Once the hair color has changed, you can wash Vaseline and make sure that there are no spots left.

Pointing out face relief

Now you do not need to go to a store for expensive markers. Simply apply a thin layer of Vaseline on your cheeks. This will help give them a natural shine and radiance. In addition, beauticians recommend using it on the eyelids in order to create a fashionable glossy shine. Just do not apply too much Vaseline, otherwise your skin will look very oily.

Skin softening

Vaseline has been used for more than a century as the most effective means to soften the skin. If you have dry skin, do not hesitate to grease it with Vaseline before going to bed and leave it for the night. In the morning, the skin will become much softer and tenderer. By the way, in winter the product will protect your hands from exposure to cold. For example, during the day doctors repeatedly lubricate their hands with Vaseline in order to avoid excessive dryness after numerous medical procedures.

Helping eyelashes

Estheticians have proved that Vaseline helps eyelashes grow, nourishes and makes them longer and thicker. Apply a thin layer of the product on the eyelashes before bedtime. And in the morning, you will carefully remove the product from the eyes with a cotton swab and wash the face with warm water. The result will not take long to come. However, you cannot use Vaseline in case of too sensitive eyes.

Teeth whitening

Many Hollywood divas use good old Vaseline for their smile to look brighter. It bleaches the tooth enamel both gently and safe, making it radiant due to the formation of the barrier film on the teeth. It protects against stains and browning enamel. Even if you swallow it, Vaseline will not cause problems for the body.

Split ends care

Vaseline can fight the split hair ends better than many modern products. It is necessary to apply some Vaseline on the hair and rub it well. The same trick is used when it is necessary to tame unruly strands or curls. Surprisingly, this product does not create an oily film on the surface of the hair during moderate use.

Using Vaseline instead of cream


Vaseline saves a lot of your money. It acts as a moisturizing and nourishing cream and at the same time does not contain any harmful chemicals. It is suitable for all skin types and can solve many problems. Among other things, Vaseline can be mixed with any cosmetic product, such as rouge. Then your rouge will not fall apart and will keep on your face longer. Blush mixed with Vaseline can be used as a lipstick. It will protect your lips from wind and cold, not allowing them to crack.

Helping eyebrows

The fair sex is well aware of how painful the procedure of removing eyebrows is. In order to make it less unpleasant, one can first of all apply Vaseline on the skin. It will soften the hair and skin, reducing resistance. That is why be sure to have Vaseline in your cosmetic bag in addition to a pair of tweezers.

An exfoliating product

We are constantly buying expensive exfoliating peels and scrubs in various stores and pharmacies. They are designed to rid the skin of dead cells. In fact, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money. You can mix cheap Vaseline with conventional sea salt. This safe solution does not contain flavors or preservatives and causes no health problems. The mixture both cleans the skin and moistens it at the same time. Thus, you do not need a moisturizer after the procedure.

Vaseline is a remarkable and multifunctional product which is capable of replacing many cosmetic products due to being more useful and affordable.

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