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Stress Damages Teeth

Stress may be dangerous for your teeth, according to scientists of the University of Zurich (Switzerland). Surprising link was found with the help of...

Rejuvenating Vitamin Cocktail

Scientists at the McMaster University, Canada, have invented a rejuvenating cocktail recipe. Older lab mice fed with the vitamin formula were as vibrant as...

Melon Protects from Breast Cancer?

The extract of bitter melon, growing in the tropics, can help against breast cancer, according to researchers at the University of Colorado. This plant...

Take a Shuteye during the Day to Smart Yourself up

The scientists that had established before that missing out on your sleep at night will put you at a disadvantage as regards studying abilities,...

Effervescent Vitamins Ruin Your Teeth

Just like soda drinks, effervescent vitamins ruin teeth enamel, a study by the University of Helsinki claims. They wash away minerals from our teeth,...

Fruit Is Fattening

Scientists at Imperial College London claim that you risk packing on extra pounds and damaging your teeth by eating too much fruit. Fruit is...

Multivitamins Cause Breast Cancer

A research by the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, shows that taking multivitamins may increase your risk of breast cancer. Researchers observed 35 000 women aged...

Sedentary Job Leads to Hypertension and Diabetes

British Journal of Sports Medicine reports that sedentary job may lead to hypertension and diabetes. Most people spend 9 hours a day sitting, at...

White Hair Does Not Mark You out as Old

White hair is looked upon as a sign of old age, but recent research discovered hair can be bleached into white as a harmless...

Daily Time Spent Sitting Comes to 14 Plus Hours for Britons

When the time Brits spend sitting has been calculated it amounted to 14 hours and 39 minutes for each day! This awesome figure came...

Household Chores Are Bad For Health

Swedish psychologists claim that household chores have a negative impact on our mental health, Health reports. The major victims are women who do most...

Women's Memory Depends On Their Body Shape

Your body shape can apparently affect how good your memory is. A research group at the Northwestern University, Illinois, discovered that apple-shaped women scored...