Language Learning Prolongs Youthfulness

American scientists after their research have concluded that the knowledge of foreign languages prolongs youthfulness, the Science journal writes.


Curiously, this finding primarily concerns women. It turns out that if a woman knows at least two foreign languages, this helps her to longer preserve a clear mind and good memory to old age.

The research authors attribute this to the fact that women’s (polyglots’) brains are exposed to greater stress and consequently have an increased efficiency. In addition, the experts found that women who speak several languages can successfully carry out several things at once: for example, drive a car and talk on a cell phone.

As a primary illustration of their study, the researchers cited the example of residents of one of the districts of New Guinea, who have many foreign languages – from five to fifteen – their brain performance in old age on average corresponds to that of 30-35 year olds – the Science journal wrote.

Source of the image: Photl

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