Adenoid Disease Symptoms & Treatment

Tonsillitis is one of the common diseases (especially in the cold season). If the disease is diagnosed by the doctor, it means that the patient has inflamed glands, or tonsils in the throat ring. Tonsillitis is harmful mainly to the tonsils. In the normal state, they are able to prevent the infection from entering the body, but sometimes it is they that are attacked. The disease comes in chronic and acute forms. Acute tonsillitis is called sore throat, and chronic tonsillitis is perceived as periodic exacerbation of sore throat.


Who’s More Prone to Developing Chronic Tonsillitis?

The greatest risk of chronic tonsillitis is in the people, who suffer from:

  • violated protective mechanisms of the tonsils;
  • disrupted natural biological processes;
  • unusual structure of the glands.

Risk Factors

  • viral diseases,
  • chill.

These circumstances contribute to the activation of micro organisms in the tonsils. Their breeding leads to inflammation. Chronic tonsillitis can be characterized by about thirty species of micro organisms in the tonsils. However, the main cause of the disease is Streptococcus.

In most cases, frequent tonsillitis is the basis for diagnosing chronic tonsillitis in patients.

How Does the Throat of a Chronic Tonsillitis Patient Look?

The surface of the tonsils seems raw, and the size of the tonsils may be increased so that they cover the throat clearance.

Other Symptoms of Adenoid Disease

The following health problems are also considered the symptoms of chronic tonsillitis:

  • chronic intoxication;
  • fever;
  • fatigue;
  • decreased performance;
  • pain in the heart and joints;
  • disorders of some internal organs.

The chronic form of the disease is characterised by the site of infection, which can exacerbate each time after hypothermia. This form of tonsillitis weakens the human body and affects the heart and kidneys.

How Does the Chronic Tonsillitis Develop?

Chronic process of the disease comes in waves. Tonsillitis escalates and rages itself out from time to time. The patients suffer from fever and fatigue, while their tonsils are covered with a coating, consisting of bacteria, pus, and dead cells. The body is exposed to intoxication, and cervical lymph nodes increase.

Sometimes tonsillitis has nothing to do with the development of chronic tonsillitis. In this case, the disease develops very slowly, and it can hardly be noticed by the patient. This is the reason why chronic tonsillitis is often confused with SARS, periodontitis, and stomatitis.

The disease must be diagnosed and treated. One should turn to an otolaryngologist, who will be able to solve the problem. The main thing is not to make haste and remove the tonsils.

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