Recycled iMac Restore Disk Clock – Quaint and Cool

iMac’s new clock looks many things at once: geekily mechanic, quietly retro and amusingly cheerful due to its orange face strikingly combined with black hands. They must have had a bit of fun designing this unusual gadget, jocularly named Recycled iMac Restore Disk Clock.

iMac Restore Disk Clock

The clock, 8.5 inches by 1.3 inches in size, was “recycled” from bicycle chains, the chain ring and two gears with a pendulum, fitted with two retro hands and a geeky green one so you wouldn’t think that it is a classical design!

It seems there are not a lot of those around, so hurry and get it for $69. But first think of a suitable place to hang it where it will be appreciated.

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