Pencil Skirt 2020: What’s Hot? What’s Not?

A pencil skirt is undoubtedly one of those classic items of clothing that always look winning and adjust the figure for the better. Or not? It turns out that a classic thing can also be unfashionable. We are telling the main signs of the anti-trend.


Remember a quote from Coco Chanel: “A skirt should always cover the knees.” The couturier considered this part of the body the ugliest. You can’t always agree with her. And yet the quote is suitable if you are looking for the most modern pencil skirt.

Be sure to look at the length: a trendy skirt will end below the knee. Moreover, it is necessary to select the length, being guided by your own proportions. On the other hand, a pencil skirt above the knee will look boring and irrelevant.


Stylists recommend leaving in the past all the stretching and fitting fabrics. In addition, loose stitches may easily appear on them. Choose skirts from dense fabrics or jersey with texture. Denim, eco-leather, and knitwear are also trendy.


There are a lot of options for pencil skirts now: you can choose a model with a cut on either side or an asymmetrical skirt. But the most important thing to remember is that there should always be air between the body and the skirt. We are not talking about oversize models, but a pencil skirt that restricts movement and displays all the details of the figure. It looks like a greeting from the past and is simply inconvenient.


Basque can visually correct the figure, increasing the hips and emphasizing the waist. However, attached basque from the same material as the skirt itself has been an anti-trend for some years.

If you want to make your clothing item more interesting, choose straight basques from dense fabrics (for example, eco-leather) that can be attached to anything.


Yet another detail that has no place on the modern pencil skirt is lace. Especially if this lace is longer than the opaque part of the skirt. Let’s admit: sometimes it can look beautiful. But it is completely irrelevant when it comes to trends. If you still want to decorate the skirt, pay attention to the belt (as well as an interesting cut).

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