Which Vitamins Help Lose Weight?

Vitamins always help those who want to lose some extra pounds. Just take them correctly, please. Vitamins are important not only for maintaining health, but also for losing weight.


Magnesium deficiency can cause obesity. It is clear that you can get a clearer picture from your doctor, but the most obvious symptoms of magnesium deficiency are impaired pressure, fatigue, headaches, bruxism (this is when you bite your teeth while sleeping), abdominal cramps, stool disorders and intolerance to bright light. You need to choose magnesium citrate or magnesium glycinate – they are absorbed better than, for example, magnesium oxide. In its natural form, a lot of magnesium is found in algae, while kiwi will help to improve the absorption of magnesium.

Vitamin D

This is the famous vitamin, which all the inhabitants of the northern countries lack. It is needed especially by athletes, those losing weight, and people with low blood pressure (vitamin D normalizes it). It also controls appetite, controls the behavior of hormones and helps fight the uncontrolled desire to consume sweets.

B vitamins

Vitamin B8, for example, is responsible for sugar metabolism, fat metabolism, and appetite. If the body does not get enough of it, you will constantly experience hunger and feel like you can’t get enough food. Look for this valuable vitamin in the liver.


As a rule, iron is a part of many vitamin complexes: it coexists well with vitamins C and D, zinc and magnesium. Iron is important to speed up metabolism and strengthen the immune system, so it is so often prescribed to pregnant women and athletes. Deficiency of iron (it is found in meat) is also observed among vegetarians. Our body contains no enzymes that could turn poly-saturated fatty acids of plant origin into the acid necessary for normal life activity.


Zinc strengthens muscles, improves immunity and mood. Doctors recommend taking complexes that consist of both zinc and vitamin C. Zinc is excreted from the body much slower then.

If you get sick and have rashes on your face – this is the first sign of zinc deficiency in the body.

How to take vitamins correctly

With all the benefits they have, not everyone can take vitamins. It is important to check the condition of the intestine – in case of inflammation, useful substances will not be absorbed by the body. It also makes sense to check the secretion of bile in the body. People with gallbladder diseases, stones, cramps and cholecystitis should first solve their problems so that vitamins can do more good. Before taking vitamin D and C, you need to check the kidneys and liver.

The absorption of vitamins is improved by probiotics. Besides, there are vitamin complexes that include them.

Proper nutrition also plays an important role. Low-quality fats (margarine, mayonnaise, sausage, cakes) block the absorption of vitamins. It is better to take vitamins at lunch, at the peak of bile acid production – this facilitates faster absorption.

What is the best way to eat vegetables and fruits, so that vitamins are absorbed faster?

We know that vitamins are found in many fruits and vegetables in their natural form, but valuable properties are lost if prepared improperly. It is better to cut vegetables and fruits with a ceramic knife, since metal oxidizes vitamin C. You can eat green fruits, but you will not benefit from them: the fact is that if you eat them unripe, the vitamins will not have time to “ripen” either. Of course, fruits and vegetables are better to be eaten raw. The higher the temperature and cooking time are, the less useful substances survive and reach our stomach.

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