You can’t very well be sure right upon giving a bash to a new diet whether it is beneficial for you – or not quite. Of course, if you feel you are getting heavier with this diet, you should drop it and run in another direction; yet it is a weighty but not the only sign by far that you need something better-balanced. The thing with other signs is that they are not so glaringly obvious. It’s up to you to know most of them to be aware as soon as possible that you’re sticking to the wrong diet.
You get exhausted very quickly
If you think of food only in terms of calories – reconsider. Food’s main purpose is to feed mitochondria, body cells also known as the “energy factories.” They need a constant influx of nutrients — but these nutrients should be the right kind. Nutrients derived from the wrong foods interfere with the mitochondria’s proper functioning, and they fail to generate enough cellular energy. You end up feeling weary after eating food that doesn’t agree with you.
People who are inordinately sensitive to foods with high glycemic content are apt to get the worst of it. They begin to develop high blood sugar and consequently feel languid through the day. If this is the case, you should go for low glycemic foods, take more protein; also, your meals should be richer in fat or fiber so that they could balance your sugar.
Sleep is not restful
It has long been scientifically proven that the intake of foods low in fiber and high in sugar and saturated fat can deteriorate sleep quality. Should you observe that your sleep leaves you not rested properly, remind yourself that food may be at the bottom of it and arrange to have more fiber in your meals. Among the foods with a lot of fiber and can do the trick are berries, apples, beans, sweet potato, chia seeds, and avocados.
You cannot think clearly
The brain doesn’t “get foggy for anything, and your diet may well be at fault here. Foggy brain is highly indicative of there being unhealthy dishes in your diet. Check your condition: if eating doesn’t help you to get energized, concentrated and clear-minded, there must be an ingredient or a beverage not liked by your mitochondria.
Smelly breath
Breath can acquire obnoxious smell due to a metabolic process known as Ketosis. This transpires when there is a dearth of glucose in the body for generating energy. Glucose is then replaced by stored fats that get burned, producing acids of the kind called ‘ketones’. It’s theу that add an unpleasant smell to your breath.
When the diet becomes too low on carbs, more ketones get onto the breath, and if it happens, it is advisable to consult a GP to make sure that it isn’t the case of type 1 diabetics. An overdose of ketones is characteristic of diabetes, testifying that there may be a shortage of insulin in the body.
A quick answer to the issue may be to increase the number of meals, thereby raising the necessary energy level. Yet you should bear in mind that obnoxious breath is not caused by ketones only! Halitosis can be caused by smoking, immoderate intake of coffee, as well as by dental problems, all of which cannot be seriously amended by changing your diet.
Your tongue acquires a whitish or yellowish look
According to experts, the tongue serves as sound evidence of what is going on with your digestion. What’s more, you can check on your tongue yourself whenever you feel like it, and learn about its indications.
A healthy tongue with an absolutely normal appearance will look pink and have a thin coating – indicating that your digestion functions as it should. Once it begins to slip, the coating grows thicker, becomes whitish or yellowish, telling you that your diet should be changed becuase your food doesn’t agree with you.
Your dull hair, skin, and nails lose gloss and become dull
As you feed your body, the nurturing processes inside become apparent on your outside – especially if something isn’t evolving right in there. Hair begins to lose lustre and can become more fragile, skin grows darker, nails don’t look so freshly groomed – all these signs shout out loud that your body feels bad with the meals you’re giving it.
Constipation problems
Usually constipation occurs when your diet lacks enough fibre – or, more commonly still, when your body gets dehydrated. To ensure proper bowel movement you need to have a good amount of fibre and water.
With enough fiber, there will be enough water, enabling the processes to run smoothly. As soon as you are stumped with constipation, begin to drink more water and go heavy for dried fruit, nuts, whole grains, beans, and other fiber-rich foods.
Your lip corners get cracked
The condition when the mouth corners get disfigured with small cracks and broken skin is known as angular stomatitis. It can signify an infection of the skin, either bacterial or fungal or iron deficiency. Apply lip salve or vaseline regularly. If the situation doesn’t improve over several days or even grows worse, then it’s a case for your doctor to attend to.
You stopped enjoying your food
Meals give you energy, that’s what they are chiefly for, but they are also supposed to bring enjoyment. You have got a new diet, and since then, you derive no pleasure from the process of eating? Well then, it’s a sure sign things are not going your way. Seek to regain happiness at the dinner table.
Finally, you should be mindful that attempts to secure some mythical perfect diet can grow into a harmful obsession known as orthorexia. It is quite a grave condition strongly affecting mental stability and general health. Should you realize you’re striving under pressure or grading yourself severely on the success or failure of your diet, it seems like the time has come to turn back. You are casting around for health benefits and not passing an examination of your life.