Calm Parents Have Healthier Children

Crying ChildYou’ve probably heard the fact, that anxiety of pregnant women makes their future babies restless, too. Scientists at University of Rochester claim, nervousness of both parents undermine child’s immunity, moreover, a child living in such a family runs the same risk. The scientists have conducted a study involving 169 families in order to find, how parents’ behavior and feelings influence their children’s health.

Every 6 months pending 3 years the researchers estimated the emotional state of the parents and the level of health of their children. It has been found, that unjustified nervousness of fathers and mothers have negative effects on their children’s health – it undermines the child’s immune system. Children living in such families are in poor health more often, as they are very sensitive to their parents’ anxiety. Researchers hope, that the data obtained during the study will make nervous parents calmer and stop worrying about trifles.

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