What Does Not Kill You Makes You Stronger

The old saying “That which does not kill us makes us stronger” is true. This was demonstrated by a new study conducted by researchers from the University of Buffalo.


What Does Not Kill You Makes You Stronger

Scientists organized a survey of a large number of people who reported their lifetime history of adverse experiences. The volunteers also assessed how negative events affect their character and future life.

The research lead author Mark Seery and his colleagues found people exposed to adverse events reported better mental health than others who did not experience special hardship.

The researchers defined ‘adversity’ as comprising a global distress, functional impairments and an overall decline of life satisfaction. As shown by surveys and information analysis, moderate adversity is helpful. They help to develop a resilient character and resistance to adverse events. A person’s psyche may not stand the pressure if he experienced a high history of adversity. If there is practically no lifetime adversity a person is not adapted to difficulties.

The research will be published in the next issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Source of the image: Photl

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