Turn Back Time: The 5 Best Anti-Aging Therapies

Our face is the physical feature that determines how youthful we look. Unfortunately, it is also the area of our body that ages first and hardest. In order to look younger, we must rejuvenate our face in order to look and feel better.

Luckily, there are ways to combat the effects of age on our face. Many of the plastic surgery procedures practiced today have to do with improving how our face looks and feels.

If you want to look and feel younger, here are some anti-aging therapies to consider.

1. Fat Melting

Fat on our face is a stubborn type of fat to remove, and it often makes us look older.

If you have excessive fat on your face, simply working out may not be enough to remove this unpleasant excess. Instead, you may need to inject Kybella in order to break the fat down from your face, especially around your neck area.

2. Lip Filler

Lip injections are a great way to look attractive no matter your age, but having plump, thick lips as you get older makes you stand out and look younger. They are now some of the most common among all anti-aging therapies.

Many celebrities are known for using lip fillers. And, with a short and painless procedure as this, it is a good go-to if you want to look younger.

3. PRP Therapy

Though a ‘vampire facial’ may not sound like a lot of fun, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP Therapy), is actually a great, natural way to rejuvenate your skin. By using your blood’s own plasma and reinjecting it, you are forcing your skin to rejuvenate itself.

This helps to get rid of wrinkles and other flaws.

4. Medical LEDs

Anti-inflammatory medical LEDs are also a great anti-aging therapy as it is a non-invasive way to help the skin look younger and fresher. Medical LEDs can treat pigment injuries which may leave the skin looking discolored over time.

They can also help you defeat acne or sun damage on your face.

5. Ultherapy

You may have heard of a facelift, and ultherapy is essentially an advanced facelift. By using highly focused ultrasound energy, doctors can actually help with many of the anti-aging changes you may want.

The ultrasound energy can contribute to lifting and toning the neck, face, and jawline. With a more toned face, you will immediately look younger. For men, it also has the added benefit of making them look more manly, with a chiseled and hard jawline included.

The Best Anti-Aging Therapies

While there is a lot of merit to invasive procedures such as lip fillers or fat melting, it is possible that you are looking for a more natural approach for your anti-aging therapies. Luckily, there are great natural options that you can look out for.

For other great beauty tips like these that will help you with the aging process, be sure to check out our other cosmetic-based articles and guides!

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