CBD Oil & Marathon Recovery

If you’re a marathon runner, you know the importance of taking good care of your body in between runs. When you run long distances, the movement takes quite a toll on your muscles and joints, and you have to be able to keep yourself in top shape. Although building up slowly to those intense workouts is an important part of keeping yourself safe, there are other ways that you can avoid hurting yourself, whether in the short run or in the long run.

CBD oil is a great way to enhance your marathon recovery. You can use CBD oil alongside other natural remedies to really get the most out of your recovery and make sure you’re always at the top of your game, whether you’re running marathons frequently or you just enjoy taking long runs. Here are some ways to incorporate CBD oil into your recovery techniques.

Using CBD Oil Before Workouts

Taking CBD oil in the morning as soon as you wake up can be incredibly helpful for people with recurring anxiousness, but it’s also a great way to boost your workout. Many runners report that taking CBD before their workout allows them to calm down and focus more comfortably on the running, making their exercises more pleasant.

Because of the way CBD can help you keep a clear, calm head, many runners find that their muscles and joints are looser, allowing them to run without tensing up and causing muscle sprains. If you struggle with anxiousness over your workouts, CBD may be the key to unlocking a more comfortable workout that is actually more fulfilling and allows you to go further.

This isn’t just useful for training; when you’re actually running a marathon, these benefits can be incredibly helpful. Pre-marathon jitters can happen whether it’s your first marathon or your tenth, and you need to be able to push through that and complete the marathon without pushing yourself too hard. The calming effects of CBD oil can help you maintain a consistent pace throughout your event and finish with confidence.

Using CBD Oil After Workouts

The post-workout experience can also benefit from CBD. Many runners find that they have sore muscles after runs, especially long ones that you’ll take as you’re building up to the marathon. The day of and the day after your events will also usually be very difficult to get through on your own, because you’ll almost always end up with incredibly sore muscles.

There are a few ways you can help alleviate these sore muscles, and one way is by combining CBD oil with a classic Epsom salt bath. Draw an Epsom salt bath, which is already useful for alleviating aches and pains, and add about a dropper full of CBD oil. The most useful dosage may vary depending on what type of oil you have, the size of your bath, and how your body processes CBD oil, so don’t be afraid to experiment. Add essential oils if you like, then soak for at least 15 minutes, or longer if you prefer.

You can also take CBD oil after a workout the same way you do before a workout. This is especially useful if you forgot to take it before going out for a run, and didn’t remember until you were too far out to come back. Because of the way CBD oil can allow you to maintain calm and focus, it may be helpful in alleviating pain simply by helping you stay more calm about it.

Whether you’re training for your first marathon or you’re an accomplished competitor in marathon events, CBD oil may be helpful not only for training but also for the day of the event. From helping you maintain a calm focus on your workout to allowing you to soothe your sore muscles more effectively, CBD oil could be an incredibly useful addition to your repertoire. We’d recommend to check out Charlotte’s Web today to see the high-quality CBD oils available there. You can find a product that you’ll be able to use for both your everyday life and for all of your marathon running requirements.

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