5 Sports That Are Greater Than Gym

Ever wondered why athletes and sports people are well toned? The answer is right in what they do, sports. Sports are a form of exercises since they involve your body moving up and down, lifting and also creating resistance in various ways. So, if you love individual sports, you can as well utilize them as a form of workout. Besides, doing what your mind and body love work better than what you are advised to do. For example, if you love to play basketball, it would be the best workout for you unlike going to the gym to lift some weights.

Here are five best sports great for the workout:

Baseball Games

This is a great game all around as it helps in toning those arms, legs and burn massive calories. The sport requires you to hit the ball with a batt and then run around the field to catch the ball. So this allows you to exercise the entire body including the arms and the running helps in burning calories. You can join a local training team and be playing for fun or create a match with your friends.


If you want an alternative workout for running, then get into a tennis match with your friends. The game is so much fun since it requires you to make sure that you hit the ball thrown at you. The fact that you have to bend, tilt, and also run from one corner of the pole to the other enables you to burn calories and tone different body parts too. Playing tennis for about 40 minutes non-stop can help you burn about 300 calories in one round.


Swimming is one of the most recommended workout sports by physicians for people who are overweight. The great sports focus on the arms, legs and also the core when making the strokes. Also, moving from one corner to the other helps in creating excellent resistance essential for toning the body. Research shows that swimming for about 30 minutes can help you lose over 300 calories.


Surfing is the form of a sport where the surfer rides a surfing board by moving forward the water waves to the shores. There are so many areas that you can enjoy the game. For professional surfers, riding the board at the ocean is the best since there are high current waves but, for beginners, lakes, and rivers can help you much. There are different kinds of surfing boards, and the best for working out is the stand-up paddleboard designed purposely for working out. So check the following reviews of stand up paddle boards to be able to choose the most suitable one for your workout.


Football is an excellent sport that is enjoyed and watched by millions of people worldwide. If you love to watch the game then playing it can keep you entertained as you workout. The kicking of the ball, and running against your opponent helps in burning calories and also toning the body. You can create a football game with your friends or again join a local training club.

If you are bored going to the gym or instead you cannot afford the high expenses of paying the instructor and monthly subscription, consider engaging in the above sports to help you in weight loss and toning the body. These games are fun and doing them with friends is a great motivation for your workout journey.

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